Chapter 15

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A/n : Favorite anime!!!

Takuto's P.O.V

No don't look at her! She's mine! She's mine! I have already erase the others!
I have a feeling of anger and jealousy at the same time.

I really hate this! I want to go home with Onee-chan! I need to get her out of here but Onee-chan will be sad if we leave early, I will just suggest to ride the Ferris wheel.

Sakura's P.O.V

After getting a bottle of water I went back to Takuto


I was about to call him but I suddenly stop, because he is making a scary face but the people don't see it because he is facing down.

I need to act normal! I rant to him and hand him the bottle of water.

"Are you okay now?" I asked him

He face towards me and see my face, once he see me, he makes a calm face.

"Yeah, I'm okay now Onee-chan"


"Hey, Onee-chan, let's go to the Ferris wheel!"


We went to the Ferris wheel and we ride it. I feel like floating when I'm at the Ferris wheel. Takuto is looking out the window and he seems to be happy.

Takuto's P.O.V

Finally we are alone!  I keep looking out the window to see if someone followed us, because when we were buying some tickets, I felt a presence behind us.

I really need to be careful. I don't want to loose Onee-chan again. Well we are on a Ferris wheel so I guess the one who is following us won't see us.

I sigh in relief. I turn to look at Onee-chan, I won't let them have Onee-chan.

"Onee-chan, are you enjoying this?"

Before she answer my question,  she look at me with sparkling eyes, with blushing cheeks and a bright smile.


That short answer was enough for me.
As long as Onee-chan is by my side, I'm happy.

Sakura's P.O.V

Takuto ask me a question but before I answer it,  I thought to myself 'this is so romantic!' I'm so embarrassed! And then we end the day with a kiss!!! This is so romantic!

But being with Takuto is really fun. I don't want the day to end. I still have school tomorrow too. If only time could stop right now.

After thinking of this I answer Takuto's question.


After responding, I see Takuto smiling and blushing at the same time.

~next day

"Onee-chan lets go! "

"Yes, I'm coming!"

We leave the house and walk hand in hand and go to school.

When i entered the classroom, all of my classmates where crying, more like everyone in the school is crying.

I ask one of the students

"Why are you all crying?"

"Well, we h-heard that Lucas died!"

Wow!, Lucas your a history. Everyone is crying so i cried as well to think that i didn't know what happened.

Well... Our crying didn't last long because the teacher said that there is going to be a transfer student.

All of my classmates where crying a second ago, now they are curious if the transfer student is a boy or a girl.

The teacher introduces the transfer student and the teacher said it was a boy, now the girls are curious if he is handsome or not.

The transfer student open the door and he turned out to be handsome,  and then the girls are screaming. The transfer student said that his name was Kashima(last name) Jiro (first name)

"My name is Kashima Jiro, nice to meet you all!"

Kashima!?  Kashima's brother?! I mean Kashima Ayumi's brother?! They don't even look identical!

I look at Kashima (Ayumi) and she looked at me smiling.

When we first met Ayumi wants me to call her on her last name, which is Kashima, so she knows that her brother will transfer here!?

So whats the reason of calling her Kashima?!  Argh! I'm going to ask her later.

Yandere Little Brother X OCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora