Chapter 13

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A/N ( I'm into vocaloids right now and I love you guys so much!!!)

Takuto's P.O.V

I have already taken care if that cat yesterday. Onee-chan should only touch me.

Lucas is really annoying. I need to make Onee-chan mine quickly..... Today is Saturday so Onee-chan will be at the house the whole day.

I should invite Lucas to somewhere Onee-chan will not see me and I should invite him at night so no one will see us.

~at night

I go to Lucas' house and invite him to go to a small park nearby. I trick him, I said "I will tell you the story" and he happily goes with me... He's an idiot.

We arrive at the nearby park, well, it's actually pretty close to our house so I need to make it really quiet.

I pull out my pocket knife and
I attack him behind his back but he struggle and struggle but all of his strength leave his body , it was so fast that he couldn't even scream. That was pretty easy I guess?

I pool of blood is under my feet.
I wonderful feeling.
I have already taken care off the hindricanes in my life!

I laugh out the feeling of happiness.
I can finally live with Onee-chan in peace!

Sakura's P.O.V

It's already midnight and Takuto is still not home, I'm worried about him.

Why does my mind is filled with Takuto? I can't calm down. I'm going to look for him.

I took my coat with me because it's cold outside and look for Takuto.

I walk and walk down the street but I still can't find him. I'm really worried, Why would he be out at night?

Feeling uneasy I ran and found a small park nearby. While walking toward the park,  I heard a quiet laugh.

I'm scared. Maybe a stranger caught Takuto?! Thinking of negative thoughts, I sneak behind the bushes. 

I took a peak to see who it is. I am shocked to see who the stranger was.

A horrifying scene that you can't even imagine. But the more scary is that Takuto killed Lucas.

I tried to take back my tears but I can't. They keep flowing. I hold my mouth to keep me quiet.

I fall back in my knees and the bushes made a sound.

"Who's there!" Takuto said

I stand up and still crying, Takuto saw me with a surprised look on his face.

Takuto's P.O.V

Why is Onee-chan in here?!
My plan was going so well
Why, why, why do you have to be at this time!!!

"O-Onee-chan Why are you here?" I said while my voice is trembling

Sakura's P.O.V

I was walking towards Takuto but my head is down. I don't want to see Takuto my crying face.

"Onee-chan?" He said

Why? Why? Why is he here?
I was so worried
Is this even the Takuto I know?
I have so many questions right now

I was slowly walking toward Takuto
And then stop right in front of him.
Once my tears stop flowing, I stare at him blankly and ask him a question.

"Why?" I asked

"Because they're in the way Onee-chan"

In the way? what do you mean?
I want to say these questions but my voice won't come out.

"Onee-chan, do you hate me?"

Hate? No! I would never hate you!
It's just that....I'm surprised.
That is what I want to say.

"Onee-chan, do you not live me anymore?"

I still love you but.....I just, I just.

"Onee-chan will you stay with me?"

The only question that I can answer.
I nod and look at him straight in the eye.


"Yes" I finally answer

Yandere Little Brother X OCWhere stories live. Discover now