Chapter 14

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A/N:  I'm still on vicarious right now and my favorite is Kagamine Rin and Len!!!
We'll the Quiz bee was canceled and they said it was going to be on Friday so I guess I will make a story.

Sakura's P.O.V

I want this memory to be erased
I don't want this!!!
...I don't care anymore
As long as I have Takuto...everything will be fine.

I will protect him with my life.
I will always prove that he is innocent.
As long as I can be with him.

Coming back from reality, I notice that I was in a daze for a while. And Takuto is hugging me?
Why? It's okay, I will be here with you.

"Onee-chan, let's go home!" He said while smiling

"But what about the evidence?"

"Don't worry, before I killed him I was wearing gloves!"

"So they would not find your fingerprints?"


We go home hand in hand while smiling to each other.
I feel happy or content.

It's already late but we watch TV to forget all the unnecessary things that happened.
I was sitting on the sofa and Takuto is sitting on the floor and resting his head on my lap.

Takuto's P.O.V

I finally did it!
Onee-chan is finally mine!
A life without hindrances!
I will now live in peace with Onee-chan!

No one will ever get in my way!
Onee-chan, I love you
I've always to be with you my one-and-only.

~next day

Sakura's P.O.V

I open my eyes and see Takuto is still on my lap resting. He really looks like an angel when he sleeps.
I touch Takuto's hair and then he woke up from his deep sleep.

"Good morning, Takuto" I said

"Good morning, Onee-chan"

When he said that he went back from his sleep.

"Takuto! It's time to wake up!"

"Onee-chan, today is Sunday so please let me be with you"

I just can't say no to Takuto's cute face

"Okay but let's get up later"


We stay there sitting on the couch until afternoon

I open my eyes again and see that Takuto is not here, until I smell the scent of omelet.


"Good afternoon, Onee-chan!"

"Takuto it's already afternoon and you are cooking omelet"

"Do you not like it? I'll just throw them away"

"N-no that's not it! I'll eat it"

We ate the omelet that Takuto made

"Hey,  Onee-chan let's have a date today! " he said

I was really surprised but at the same time I feel really happy.
I agree to Takuto's idea and I went upstairs to take a bath and change my clothes.
Takuto also did the same thing and we went out of the house.

My clothes are really cute, I wore a (just think of something that's really cute to wear)

"So where are we going?" I said

"Let's go to Amusement park! "

"Well, okay! "

We walk while holding hands and go to the amusement park.
After 30 minutes, we have reached our destination.

"Wow! " we both say

I was really fascinated because this is my second time I went in here.
My first was when I was still small.

"Well,  what ride do you want to go first Onee-chan?"

"Roller coaster! "


Takuto's P.O.V

Seriously! I can't handle the thing! But Onee-chan really likes it, I can't refuse to Onee-chan.
I just need to do it

~After riding

"Wow! That was really fun!" Onee-chan said

"Y-yes it was O-Onee-chan"

"Wait do you feel sick Takuto?"

"No, I'm fine Onee-chan"

"You can't hide it from me! I'm going to buy some water so just stay here!"

Onee-chan is a good girl but when Onee-chan was running to buy some water, I saw a lot of guys looking at her.

No! Don't look at her! She's mine! She's mine and mine alone!

Yandere Little Brother X OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora