Chapter 7: Musings in The Night

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Chapter 7: Musings in The Night

The forest became dense faster than Rob expected and before he knew it he found himself lost amongst the trees. “Gossamer!” Rob yelled to no avail. Moving between the branches he gulped and started to regret running into the forest. He was now even more lost than he had been all this time before. Sitting down and leaning his back against a tree Rob felt the soft moss underneath my hands. What exactly was he trying to go back to? His grandmother? His real mother? Nothing in that other world was worth running back to. He regretted running into the forest and hoped that someone would find him. As twilight disappeared into the night he wondered how his family was doing but also what Gregory was up to. They were probably supposed to leave to go see a movie right about now.

            “Running after things again I see.” A smooth familiar voice announced.

            Rob felt flowers start sprouting up and glowing blue flowers sprung up on all the trees illuminating the once dark area. Gossamer, tall and handsome stepped out from behind a particularly curved tree.

            “You called?” Gossamer smirked and walked up to Rob slowly undoing his belt and pulling it out. “You’re not scared of faeries are you?”  Gossamer wrapped the bed around his muscled thick arm and kept it there. “So what do you want?”

            “You’re real.” Rob smiled in disbelieve.

            “I try my best to be.” Gossamer licked his lips and moved up to Rob removing his vest and putting it on over his bare chest. The vest was much smaller and wouldn’t’ button but Gossamer didn’t seem to be bothered by that.

            “Did you bring me to this world?” Rob got to the point. “Because I saw you, in my room…in my dreams.”

            Gossamer sat back and a large spotted mushroom glowing green appeared. Reclining back on it Gossamer starting laughing a cheerful child-like laugh, “You are quite infatuated with me. Physically I’m everything you want.” Gossamer flexed and every strain in his muscles caused that feeling in Rob’s stomach.

            “Now I didn’t say,” Rob shook his head and tired to hide his erection. Gossamer sat up peeking at it and smirking.

            “I know, but I can tell. The way you look at me. I am going to tell you right now you will never have me.” Gossamer spread his legs wide and his tight leather pants revealed a large endowment. “See, that sadness right there, don’t feel it.”

            “Just answer my question!” Rob shouted his frustration getting the best of him.

            “I don’t think that’s the right question to ask. Questions are important only when known, questions will lead you to what must be shown.”

            “Fine, then what is the question I am supposed to ask?”

            “You only get one, are you sure that’s what you want to ask.”

            “Yeah,” Rob shook his head, “I guess.”

            “The question you should always ask is – what is the answer to the question I should ask?” Gossamer hopped off the mushroom and almost glided over to Rob his face coming increasingly close to the young man’s.

            “Very clever.” Rob replied his hard on almost bursting through his pants. He could feel Goss’s breath on his face it was warm and smelled like a mix of grass an cinnamon. A dog barked in the distance, faint, but there.

            “Indeed.” Gossamer broke his gaze with Rob and shook his head. “Looks like our time is up. May life give you blessings.” Gossamer disappeared behind the tree and slowly the flowers faded and died. Rob quickly picked one and stuffed it in his pocket. The forest instantly grew cold and the barks in the distance grew louder. Then there were lights, flashlights. A dog ran up and yapped at Rob’s feet and then Alain appeared in the trees. Rob was found, in some sense at least.

            “My dear boy,” Alain sighed in relief. “Come with me, hurry.” The older man led Rob through the forest moving along at a quick pace. “You know, the woods aren’t safe. There are things out here.”

            “Like faeries.” Rob answered and Alain stopped slowly turning the light from his lantern casting grim shadows across his face.

            Alain then noticed Rob’s disheveled look and missing clothes. He lowered the lantern and whispered. “Be especially careful around fairies. They are tricksters and must not be trusted.” The grim warning stuck in Rob’s head all the way back to the Cordell Estate. The questions spun in his head and he wondered if he should stop thinking of so many questions and just think of one.


            After taking a shower and changing into pajamas Rob returned to his room his hair still wet and mind still swirling. Gregory was sitting in the armchair and stood when Rob entered. Rob looked at Gregory then moved to the bed. Gregory followed him to the bed. As Rob got under the covers Gregory sat on the side looking at the boy across from him.

            “You saw something, didn’t you?” Gregory asked his voice soft blending with the calm night. Rob nodded and then Gregory turned to the window. “Father told me you saw a faerie. I’m sure he’s given you all those warnings.” Rob nodded again.

            The two sat in an uneasy silence for a moment, “I’m scared Gregory.” Gregory turned to Rob his eyes intent on finding the answer on Rob’s face. Rob continued, “I don’t know what to say about all of this. I don’t know how to get home, what brought me here. Don’t get me wrong, I love it. You’ve all been so kind but…” Rob paused as he felt tears well up in his eyes.

            “It’s new.” Gregory answered thinking he finished Rob’s sentence.

            “I don’t deserve it.” Rob started crying and sat up a little straighter his hands fumbling with the bed sheets. “I don’t deserve to be in heaven.” Rob continued to sob tears rolling down his cheeks.

            Gregory lifted his hand and swept away Rob’s tears, “you deserve better my friend. This is far from heaven.” Gregory smiled and stood up moving to the door. At the door he stopped and turned back to Rob.

            “I’m sorry,” Rob whispered from the sheets. “I promise tomorrow, we will go to the city.”

Gregory nodded and gave a short curt smile. He paused and thought for a moment, “maybe you should stop asking yourself how you got here and start asking why you’re here.” With that Gregory shut the door behind him.

            Rob put his head down on the pillow and the other questions slowly started to disappear. Gregory was right, it wasn’t who or what or how but why. 

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