Phoenixes always Rise

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If there's no POV, in the beginning, it means it's Jesse's.

I sat up groggily. I was back in the bed I had woken up in after X had saved me from the mines.

"Uck that hurt," I grumbled to myself. But my voice sounded different, a bit softer and higher pitched than I was used too.

I noticed X had propped up a mirror on the side of the room. I walked over to it, and a noise of surprise came out of my mouth. 

The boy in the mirror had auburn hair that curled around his face and dark eyes that reflected the night sky. I moved my hand; so did the boy in the mirror. The boy in the mirror was me.

 I started to panic, then remembered the potion X gave me.

"It's weird. I know it's you, yet You look like someone I've never met." X muttered. I glanced over my shoulder. The dark haired girl was twirling a lock of her hair around her finger.

"Well, the potion worked, right?"My voice was still very new to me.

"No, the potion was gonna give you wings."

"Really? Because they aren't here. Unless there invisible." I replied. She snorted, releasing the lock of hair.

"Well, I'm guessing you have to come up with a fake name. Someone could catch on. If you go by Jesse.  People know potions exist. " X remarked.

I thought about it. Maybe it should be a bit if a hint. Or maybe not. Actually, I had a good idea.

"Ash," I said. She tilted her head.

"Why Ash?"

"I don't really know. It hit me. Maybe like, rise from the ashes." I replied.

She threw a bundle of clothes at me. "I'm guessing your friend know your armor and normal clothes?" I nodded.

X left, and I put the clothes on. It was a red shirt, jeans, and white sneakers that would soon be brown.

I walked out of the room to X, so looked at me with a smirk.

"Come on, Ash. Let's get you to the games."

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