A fake death

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A voice awoke me.

I sat up groggily, my vision still a bit blurry, but a I could hear a voice that  sounded familiar. I tried to get up, but my shoulder flared in pain. I glanced down at it . It was bandaged, and I remembered the silver dart hitting it.

"Well that's all for today, Folks! Tomorrow  starts the week of games in honor of the fallen hero. Mevia, would you care to explain to the fans?"  I recognized the voice now-Hadrian. I noticed the words were coming from a record player.

"Yesterday, the boy Jesse passed away in the mines. Such a tragedy. His friends from home were invited to these games in honor of the hero. You know he sacrificed his freedom for his friends. Such a brave boy."

I gasped and stared at the record player. I'm wasn't dead! Or was I? Was I actually dead and is this some crazy afterlife? Or was all this some weird, twisted dream? My pressed my hands to my temples, ignoring the stinging in my shoulder. The pain in my head was bigger.

"You're awake." A feminine voice spoke from the doorway of the room. I turned to the speaker. It was a girl,with long black hair trailing over her shoulders.  She wore a red tunic, black pants, boots and a black cloak with a hood that covered most of  her face.

"Am I dead?" I asked her. Thinking about it later, it was a stupid question, but at that moment my head hurt to much to think properly .

The girl laughed  smuch. "No. But the world thinks you are."

She was slightly creeping me out. "Who are you?"

"Call me X. I want to help you. I learned about a plot the old builders are planning, Jesse."

I was going to ask her how she knew my name, but I realized half the people here did. I had managed to draw alot of attention to myself in the short time I'd been in this world.

"Continue." I said, nodded at her. I decided I would ask her about her name later- X couldn't be her real name.

"Well, you can say I saved your life. I faked your death. The Old builders were planning to kill you."

Of course they were.

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