The Games

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We grab some supplies from the Cornucopia, and then try and sleep. Some, like Cato, Clove, and Rocky, fall asleep immediately. Others, like Peeta, Glimmer, and myself, have a harder time.

"They call him Lover Boy," Glimmer says.


"Yeah." Lover Boy. Interesting. Don't know why they gave him that name, but I just let it go. I fall asleep. I wake up in the morning with the sun blinding me. I sit up. Peeta's the only other one awake. We stare at each other awkwardly. Then finally Peeta says,

"Good morning Marvel."

"You too." Another awkward moment.

"So.....Katniss is your District partner right?" He nods and then gets some look in his eye. Like he's in love. Oh! Lover Boy! It all makes sense now. Glimmer wakes up.

"Hey guys."

"Hello Glimmer," Peeta says. The rest of the day isn't very exciting so I'll skip that. Later, though, we see a fire going at night.

"Guys look!" Cato says. We run over. Cato slashes at her. She screams and we leave.

"Are you sure she's dead?" Glimmer asks.

"Yes. I cut her myself." Cato replies.

"Then how come there's no canon?". The get into this whole argument until Lover Boy interrupts and says,

"I'll go check". We wait for a few minutes. He comes back and the cannon booms. We exit the area. That night, I sleep pretty well. The next day, we go hunting in the woods for tributes. All of a sudden, I see Katniss in the lake.

"Guys! There she is, there she is!" I yell. We run toward her. When we finally reach her, she is up a tree. She and Cato have a conversation, and then Cato tries to climb up. He doesn't make it though, he's too heavy. Glimmer shoots an arrow, and then I realize she's not that good. Finally, Lover Boy says,

"Guys. She has to come down eventually. It's either that or starve to death. Just wait her out." Cato hesitantly agrees. The ground here is actually pretty comfortable. Until of course, a buzzing fill my ears. I open my eyes. Tracker Jackers. Crap. We run to the lake, but I already feel stings on me. It doesn't occur to me until we get to the lake that we are missing a few people. Rocky. Lover Boy. And....Glimmer! I hear a cannon. Rocky look like she's making it over here so it was either Lover Boy or Glimmer. Please let it be Lover Boy, please let it be... another canon. Rocky is down. But, Glimmer she might still be alive. I still have some hope until I hear Cato say,

"Time to go finish Lover Boy off." That's when I see him, trying to follow us to the lake. So, Glimmer's dead. It now occurs to me that this is Katniss's fault. How else could the tracker jacker nest fall on us? She must have cut the branch. And, she's still alive. I'll get you Katniss just you wait. Cato returns and we head back to to the Cornucopia. We steal a bunch if supplies and stack them into a pyramid. It's night now, so we sleep. Glimmer haunts my dreams. I finally give up on sleep and think about who's left. Me, Cato, Clove, the District 3 boy (who is actually part of our alliance now), the girl from 5, the boy from 10, the boy from 11, the twelve year old from 11, Katniss, and Lover Boy since I didn't hear a cannon for him, plus his face wasn't in the sky tonight. Morning comes and we kill the District 10 boy. The District 3 boy, also sets up mines around our pyramid. The next day, we see some fires going on, so we go over. There's no one at the first one, so when we see the second one, we assume it's a trick. All of a sudden, the earth shakes. Earth quake? No, because it was too fast. It was like an.....

"Explosion! The food!" Cato yells. We run over, and see what's left. Just a bunch of rubble. Cato starts screaming and kills the District 3 boy, who was supposed to be watching our supplies. I think I figured out the mystery of who screamed and broke a glass the night we found out our scores. He finally clams down and says,

"Marvel, I built a trap down by where the second fire was. Go over and see if anyone is trapped. If they are, kill them."

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