She Just Wants to Go Home

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Today is our private session with the Gamemakers. All the tributes line up. I am first.

"Marvel Sanders," A voice says. I stand up and walk into the room.

"Marvel Sanders," I say.

"You have fifteen minutes," the head Gamemaker, I think his name is Seneca Crane, says. I pick up a spear and throw it at a dummy. I keep doing it because it's fun and I'm good at it. It feels like it has been only two minutes when I hear,

"Your time is up. You may leave." Okay, well that was easy. I walk out. I wait for Glimmer to finish, and then we go up to our floor. We wait a while, then eat dinner. And then we go to the screening area where the scores are announced.

"Glimmer Brightstone, with a score of, 9."

"Nice job Glimmer," Cashmere says, smiling.

"Marvel Sanders, with a score of, 9."

"Amazing!" Gloss says. Cato and Clove both get a 10. Rocky gets a 7. Somehow, the little twelve year old from 11 (her name is Rue, I learned), also gets a 7. Another mystery, is that the girl from 12 (Katniss, I also learn) gets an 11.

"What the crap?" I hear somebody yell from upstairs. Then I hear something break. Whoever that was, they need to be put in a mental hospital, stat. Not that I'm not upset. How did she get a 11, when I, who has been training my whole life, got a 10? I guess that this will forever remain a mystery. I go to bed. I'll need my sleep for tomorrow. Tomorrow is the interviews. This is something I'm not looking forward too. I've always been shy and terrible with words. I know I don't seem shy, but it's the truth. Everybody saw it as a weakness so that's why I've been made fun of. This is part of the reason I want to win the Games so badly. I wanted to prove I was capable. I try to sleep but it's hopeless. I finally get out of bed. I walk into the living area and sit down on the couch. I look at the T.V. They're showing the odds of people winning, based on their scores. Of course, since they're just based on scores, doesn't mean they're accurate. It says I'll get 4th place, with Thresh in 3rd, Cato in 2nd, and Katniss in 1st. I roll my eyes. Katniss is not getting 1st. No, Marvel is. All of a sudden, I hear crying. I walk around and stop at Glimmer's room. I put my ear to her door. Yep, the crying is coming from her room. I open the door.

"Hi Marvel," she says wiping her eyes.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing. Go back to bed." I ignore her.

"What's wrong?" I repeat. She gives in.

"I just don't want to be here." I'm shocked by this. Careers never say this.


"I just want to go home and be with my family. I'm not making it out of these Games." I think for a second.

"They predicted you'll get 5th place. That's not too bad and 5th is close to 1st so..." I honestly have no idea what I'm saying. I told you I'm bad with words. But Glimmer smiles and says,

"Thanks Marvel. Goodnight."

"Night." I walk back to my room and finally fall asleep.

He Was Just a Boy Trying to Get HomeWhere stories live. Discover now