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P.S : I don't own My Little Pony characters, they are belong to their respective owner. I only own my story and ocs, Apple Lily. (I can't use and write down the Apple family's accent, sorry). Sorry for my grammar and english.

Age :
Apple Lily : 8 (filly)
Braeburn : 18 (colt)


Hello there y'all. My name is Apple Lily. I'm the little sister of Braeburn and the youngest member of the Apple family.

My parents died when I was just 3 and my brother 13. They died because of a rock slide. After that, all the apple family that lived in Appaloosa, help my brother to raised me. But even without their help, my brother can do it by himself, he was very capable of that.

My big brother Braeburn is already protective of me when our parents still alive. But since they died, Braeburn become more protective of me than ever. I knew he care and love me, but it annoyed me sometimes when he forbide me to do something. From something dangerous? Okay I admitted it, it's okay to forbide me, but from bucking the apple tree? Well that's kinda weird, because we are Apple family. Apple family's job majority is all about apple. Okay maybe my cutie mark wasn't an apple related, but still, it annoyed me.

Well speaking of my cutie mark, my cutie mark is a lasso, because I'm very good at handling a lasso. I could catch anything with my lasso in my hoof. I was very happy when I got my cutie mark when I was 4. But I couldn't say the same for my big brother. Braeburn was freak out when he saw that my cutie mark is a lasso. He kept ranting about I could get hurt when I'm using a lasso and everything. The one who stop and calm my brother from his ranting that day are the apple family who live in Appaloosa. They told him that it was okay and everything. So it was done.

Well the uncle of mine that I love the most is Half Baked Apple. He's the only other pony other than my brother, that understand me and he was the one who's fully taking care of me and my brother after our parents death. He's just like a father to me and Braeburn.

While Apple Strudel is just like a grandfather to me and Braeburn. And Candy Apple is my teacher at the school.

Those are the closest family in Appaloosa that I care and love the most besides my brother. While in the Ponyville, there's Granny Smith, and our cousins Big Macintosh, Applejack, and Apple Bloom.

Another thing about me is, even I knew that my parents died in an accident, I still can't forgive them for leaving me and my brother behind.

Uncle HBA (Half Baked Apple for short) and Braeburn always tell me to forgive them because that accident it's not what they wanted and they wanted me to be happy, not to be getting sad and angry because of their death. But I still can't forgive them. Instead, I even make one decision that make my life change a little because of their death. My family in Appaloosa didn't agree with my decision at first, but they finally let me after a long process. So, here I am Apple Lily.

About my cutie mark, I get it when I was 4. That was in the youngest filly who got a cutie mark record in Appaloosa.

Everyone in Appaloosa was surprised when I got it. Well don't go to far, all of my family in Appaloosa were really surprised with it.

Ohh, one more thing about me is sometimes I wear a hat that look like exactly just like my brother's hat. I only use it when the weather is starting to get really hot. If not, then I won't use it. But being in Appaloosa, it's always hot, sooo, I majorly use my hat.

Well that's all for me, while for my brother....

All I can say is, he's the best and the worst mother hen in the equestria. The best cook. The most caring pony. The best brother. And the most overprotective brother ever.

While for my uncle HBA, he's a very caring pony just like my brother. I told you that he's just like a father for me and Braeburn, so, he sometimes sleep over at our house and have a family talk. He also gives us advice about things and our problems. He also helps me and Braeburn taking care of our house.

The only reason he didn't live in our house is just because his house is the same house of his great great great great grandfather, sooo, he can't just leave it and sell it. So he stay there at his house but oftenly come to our house to check on things. Also he's the one whose being our official guardian.

Well for me, I have 2 official guardians. Uncle Half Baked Apple and Braeburn.

Even in school if I make any trouble, Candy Apple will tell my brother and my uncle all about it, then my brother and my uncle will scold me for that. She's not being a tattle tale, it was her responsibility, but I'm very annoyed with it because I love to make some trouble. Of course, I'm a trouble maker but I have brains.

My score is the highest in class, and Candy Apple said that I'm the smartest in school. But my behavior sometimes getting on her nerves, so, she will just tell my brother and my uncle about it. Problem solved for her, but trouble for me.

P.S : Well I think that's it for prologue. I will updated soon for chapter 1!!

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