chapter one

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This story is not related to anyone in particular including myself it is pure fiction. What inspired me to write this story is a song by Gnash featuring Olivia, I hate you I love you. I hope you like it....


Greenly's life was going great she was seventeen and doing her final year in high school, she couldn't wait to finish and move on the collage.

Greenly had a lot of friends in high school and she was an A student along with one of her friends Joe Connors.

Greenly's parents, Christian and Lily Waters, always pushed her to work hard and do her best but they mainly pushed because they wanted her to one day take over the family business, Greenly's father was on the hotels industry his company was called 'Green waters CO.' Which was named after Greenly because the year she was born is the year her father decided to start that business which became a success and well known throughout Seattle.

Most of Greenly's friends were guys who were proudly gay and very flamboyant she only had one girl friend and they were all great friends to her.
Greenly was not good with the opposite sex actually in her head 'she sucked', she's never been in love nor has she been asked out for a date but it didn't bother her.

As I said she had a great life her childhood was good and her teenage years were going awesome until the last year of high school when she first met Colby Lyon.

Christian was best friends with James Lyon and when he realised that Greenly was going to collage and will soon after take over the family business he wanted to waste no time in waiting for her to tell him which collage she had chosen to apply to, he already had made a list and had arranged a trip for her to go and look at the collages he had listed so she can pick one, there were a lot of collage in Washington and her father didn't want her to be far from Seattle.

Christian asked James to ask his son, Colby, to help his daughter choose as he was already on his first year in Washington collage. Colby didn't mind when his father asked and it was set they were going on a collage road trip.

The day they left was the day they first met, Greenly was mesmerised, he was gorgeous, his light brown hair, his hazel eyes so bright and hypnotizing you just lose yourself in them, his muscular body so toned you don't have to ask if he works out.

Christian smiled at Colby "hello son, how are you?" He said "am good sir" he replied, Christian then turned to his daughter "this is my daughter Greenly" he pat her on the shoulder "Greenly this is Colby, James' son" Colby held our his hand "nice to meet you Greenly, mhu!, that's a nice name" he said with warm smile but she couldn't move she staring in awe and didn't even notice his hand, her father nudged her, she blinked rapidly "uhm sorry" she shook his hand, her face was read with embarrassment she looked away from them both her heart was pounding loudly she couldn't hear anything they were saying and she couldn't stop blushing the whole time she thinking 'this is so embarrassing when is it gonna stop I mean he's just a guy, every hot one'.

Her father left and they were off....

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