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Ziva's pov

"I found him!" I yelled through the bullpen. "adress?" Gibbs asks while he stands up from his desk and takes his bag. "here" I give him the sticky note and pack my bag. we follow Gibbs into the elevator. "goodwork David" I smile to Tony and McGee who looks grumpy, I think because I was faster. 

"McGee and David take the back. Dinozzo, you're with me" Gibbs command. McGee and I got to the backdoor and show our badges to the chefs and the staff. they nod and let us in. we stand by the wall. "we are in" I inform Gibbs. "good" he answers. 

"Sean Shaw?" I hear a chair falling and running feets. I walk around the corner with McGee next to me. he stops turns around. "you are under arr" Gibbs is interrupted by Sean. out of nowhere he grabs me and point a gun at my head. "one single movement and I will shoot!" he threathens. I freeze, just like the others. "I will walk out of here and she will be okay" he says. he walks with me to the door. 

that is the moment that I throw my elbow into his face. I put out my weapon and point it at him. but it is too late. he shoot at me and I shoot immediatly at him. I fel on the floor with a scream. when I look at the place where I feel soo much pain, all I see is blood. I begin to see black spots. "Ziva!" I hear Tony yelling. "McGee call an ambulance!" Gibbs commanded. "Tony.." I say. "it's okay Ziver! look at me and keep doing that, promise?" he asks soft. "okay" I answer with a dry and sore throat.

 "the ambulance can be here any second" McGee says at the moment I hear sirens. as I hear footsteps coming to me the black spots are too huge to ignor and I can't keep my eyes open. I am too tired. 

Tony's pov 

at the moment the people from the ambulance came running in I see Ziva closing her eyes. "NO Ziva you can't close your eyes!" I say desperate. she don't response. "sir we have to get her to the hospital, now!" one of the ambulance member says. I nod and steps aside. "Dinozzo go with her" I nod and follow them into one of the ambulances. when the doors close I see that damn Sean being pushed into the other ambulance.

*at the hospital. Ziva is in surgery*

"her heartbeat is too slow! it is dropping! no heartbeat! CPR now!" I hear coming from her room. I put my head in my hands and I tend to pull out my hair out of my head. all I can think of is thst she can't die. not Ziva. "Dinozzo.." I hear Gibbs coming. "she has no heartbeat" I say with a choked voice. I hear someone crying. "she will be okay Abbs" I hear Gibbs calming down Abby.

"she has a heartbeat. thank god!" I hear someone saying with so much relief. I take a deep breath. "you see" Gibbs says with the same relief. "where was she hit?" Abby asks. "I don't know. there was too much blood, but I think near her heart"  I answer. "she is lucky that she is alive" Gibbs says. I nod. 

after what feels like hours the doors open. we stand up and walk to the bed. "family?" the doctor asks. "kind of" Gibbs answers. "she is a lucky women and a strong women. she kept fighting for her life. we lost her twice." he begins. "twice?! I heared one time" I say with disbelieve. "yes. but the second time was so short that we couldn't do anything or it was alright" he answered. I nod "we have removed the bullet. she has a few broken ribs and it almost toutched her lungs. or the shooter was bad or she was lucky" the doctor informs. "when can we see her?" I ask. "when she is awake. but there can be one person with her now" he answers.

"Dinozzo go. call when she is awake. when can she go home?" I nod and wait for the answer. "when she is awake and the anesthetics are worked out she can go home. she has to stay with someone for a week, just to be sure" I nod. "she can stay with me" I say to Gibbs who nods. 

I follow the nurse to the room of Ziva and take a seat in one of the chairs next to her bed. "push the button if something is wrong, okay?" the nurse orders and leaves. "why? why you?" I whisper while I take her hand in mine. "if that bastard is in our terrogationroom he will be skinned alive. by me, by Gibbs, by you" I smile by that thought. "that would be literally if it will be you" I nod. "yes it would.." I am still smiling. 

"you know, if you didn't shoot him I would. not in his stomache, but somewhere it would hurt to much and he couldn't make any children" I hear a slight laugh. "you are awake?" I say surprised. "just" she smiled. "soo.. you would have shoot him there"  she winked down there. I laughed ashamed. "deffinitly" she laughed, but stopped immediatly. "how are you feeling?" I asks. "like I have died and come back" she smiled. "well.. umm about that..during the surgery there was no heartbeat. twice" she is silent. "but I am here" she smiles. "that is true" I smiles to her. 

"I have to call Gibbs and you are still tired, aren't you?" she nods. "go sleep. when you will be awake again we can go home. you have to stay with me for a week and.." but I stop because she is asleep again. I smile at that sight and put out my phone. "yes Dinozzo" Gibbs answers the phone. "she was awake, but now asleep. the medicins are still working. I will call when she can go home. can you bring a car or something?" I ask. "I will pick you guys up. call me when she is awake" short after that I put away the phone get some coffee.

Ziva's pov

I don't know how long I was asleep, but when I woke up Tony was asleep in the chair next to me. I smiled at that sight. he is so sweet. when I look at the clock I see it is 6:30 AM. I slept almost 12 hours. the medicins are strong here. "Tony?" I ask. he wakes up. "how did you sleep?" I ask immediatly. "not so good. this chairs are not so comfort" I laughed, but stopped immediatly from the pain. "stupid asshole" I curse. Tony begin to laugh hard. so hard. "you mean Sean, don't you?" I smiled and nod. "let's call Gibbs. I want to go home" I beg. 

"it's  good to see that you're okay David" Gibbs says when I step into the car. "yeah yeah, just drive to NCIS. I hate hospitals" I beg. he and Tony laughed. "and don't laugh. I can't laugh of the pain" I say grumpy. they laugh just harder. "yeah you can laugh!" I yell from the backseats and stare out of the window. "don't be so grumpy" Gibbs smiles. I don't answer. 

that was the start of a horrible day full of people who like to tease me with my disabillities of laughing. oww Sean is soo doomed...

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