Face Reveal

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"Hello everyone, Vanoss here and I'm here with H20Delirious." Vanoss was excited to play with Delirious, only them, no one else. He could hear the other male laugh on the other side of the screen.

"Hey guys Delirious here, we're gonna play GTA 5," Delirious announced. GTA 5 was the first game Delirious and Vanoss played together. ( I have no idea what game they played together when they first met ). Vanoss was excited and nervous to play with him. He never felt like this when he played with Mini Lad, Wild Cat, or Liu. Only with Delirious.

"Hey Vanoss, can you hear me? Did you cut out?" Delirious questioned him. Vanoss shook his head.

"Oh, sorry Delirious. I must have zoned out." Vanoss scratches the back of his head and cackled. Delirious laughed and started the game.

~Time skip because I'm lazy *^*~

"Delirious stop, don't jump!" Vanoss yelled into his headset. Delirious was laughing.

" I'm gonna jump!" Vanoss and Delirious chuckled as Delirious jumped. Delirious laughed so hard that he slammed his hands on his computer. He pressed a button, showed a face. Vanoss looked over to his computer and froze. He was looking directly at Delirious. Delirious stopped laughing and looked at his computer. He quickly turned off the face timing.

"You saw my face!" Delirious yelled, throwing his controller across the room. Vanoss stayed quiet, afraid to say something.

"Vanoss you did didn't you?!" Delirious was now yells at Vanoss. Vanoss flinched.

"I-I'm sorry Delirious. I-I just...froze up." He wasn't lying. Delicious had beautiful sky blue eyes. His brown hair was brushed back. His headphones wrapped around his neck, a beautiful blue, like the color of his eyes. Everything Vanoss saw was perfect. His facial features, his hair, his voice...everything. Delicious kept yelling, curing, and throwing things.

"Delirious!" Vanoss yelled, trying to get Delirious to stop. He heard him stop and sit down.

"I'm not going to tell anyone, and if you have to, don't talk to me anymore." With that, Vanoss ended the Skype call and turned off his game.

♤ This one is really short, but school is stressful -__-' ♤

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