"I am also an Original," I stated and braced for impact.

Dead silence. You could hear a pin drop. Well, we could already do that but you get the point. They were all staring at me in disbelief, their mouths had fallen somewhat open, and their brows were all furrowed. Of course, this did not include Niklaus, who actually seemed quite smug.

Elijah spoke first, although his response was purely instinctual rather than well thought out, "Wait, come again?"

"You cannot just say long story short and then tell us that you are an Original!" said Rebekah exasperatedly, "Please, elaborate!"

"That's not possible," Kol muttered to himself. I raised a brow and was going to reply, when I suddenly heard footsteps behind me, and a voice which I could hardly remember.

"She is telling the truth."

I whipped around and my eyes landed on the figure in front of me. My mouth parted in what I could only describe as mild shock. I turned around and scanned the faces of everyone behind me, so as to make sure that I was really seeing what I thought I was. They did not look nearly as shocked as I was, and I concluded that they most certainly knew. Slowly, I turned back around.


Flashback (New World, Late 10th Century)

It has been no more than seven months since I gave birth, and since my father took my daughter away. My mother assured me that they had found her a good family who had trouble conceiving a child of their own. She told me that they would surely take the best care of her, but neither of them would tell me exactly how far away she would be. I argued quite a bit with them afterwards, so much so that on a few occasions, my brothers had to step in as the argument with my father would get physical. I do not wish to go find her and bring her back, I just wanted to know where she was.

I got to hold her once, and in those few seconds I deduced that she looked so much like me. The urge to take her and leave was strong. But I knew she would have a better life, a more opportunistic one. Although, something good did occur that day. Shortly after my father left with her, my sister Adrianna had run out after him. She begged him to at least relay the name that I had chosen for her to her new family. I do not know if it was pity for me, pity for the baby, or his weakness when it came to my sister, but he agreed.

Luna Danail Lucifson

Of course, I am sure that she would acquire a new family name, but they had told my father that keeping her first name was the least they could do.

Currently, I was walking over to the Mikaelson home. After I gave birth, Rebekah and Niklaus were allowed to talk to me again, in small intervals. Mikael hated it, but Esther had defended me. Niklaus had informed me that the argument between them on the night they had discussed the matter was so intense that he thought they would kill each other, and although I did not think it was possible, her word came out on top. Elijah and I never skipped a beat of course, but it was good to speak with him again and not have to hide. Finn and I have not spoken since that fateful day, and neither do I plan on ever speaking to him again. My relationship with Kol was in a similar state. After I began spending time with his siblings again, we would see each other often, he would occasionally greet me and I would give him a curt nod. But I did not wish to be friends with him ever again, a fact which I'm sure he picked up on.

Their youngest brother Henrik had recently passed away. It was a tragic accident, but Mikael had been furious at Niklaus for his carelessness. Since then, I found myself visiting more often. At first, they were inconsolable, and Esther was absolutely devastated, as any mother would be. However, the last few times I had visited, there was no answer at the door. There have also been a few strange disappearances around the village. I believe it to be the work of the same beasts who killed Henrik, yet there were whispers amongst the villagers of a curse. It was said that the Mikaelson family had been touched by black magic, though I refused to simply believe these rumors. After all, it was these same villagers who spoke of my sister and me.

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