This Is Where The Chapter Ends

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Edited May 11, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

"Yn?" You turn too see Draco standing behind you. You turn around and slap him across the face.

"What was that for?" Draco yelps rubbing his cheek.

"Now that was for breaking up with me and tearing my heart in to millions of pieces," you snapped.

"I am truly sorry for that. I'd like too make it up to you," Draco says.

"And how are you to accomplish that?" You ask quizzically.

"By this," Draco says. He walks up to your farther and says, "May I have your approval to have you daughters hand in marriage?"

"Yes," Snape says. "But if you hurt her," Snape warns.

"I understand," Draco says.

"Uh..." you say staring at Draco dumbfounded.

"Will you marry me?" Draco asks. You look at your father, who nods, and then at Fawkes.

"I so told you," Fawkes says looking happy.

"Don't keep 'im waiting," Harry says smiling.

"Well, I don't know," you say and see Draco's face fall. "I think I'm gonna say yes!" you add.

*Le time skip brought to you by Harry and Ginny's wedding and also Ron and Hermione's wedding and you are now 20*

Soon it was your big day and you were a nervous wreck. Your wedding dress was a silk green strapless gown that faded to gold in the middle. You've seen Hermione's wedding and Ginny's wedding so you knew what to expect. It's just you've never had a wedding before and you were pacing.

"Slow down Yn, you're going to burn a hole in the floor!" Hermione says.

"You're going to be fine!"Ginny says happily.

"How are you ladies coming along?" You heard your father call from the other side of the door.

"Almost done!" Ginny squeaks. She starts doing your hair. If you have short hair, Ginny put a small invisible charm that made a crown of small emeralds to sparkle catching the light. If you have medium shoulder length hair, she beaded it with tiny gold flakes and green emeralds. If you have long hair, she braided it in a braid with two jewel encrusted ribbons. One was gold the other was green.

"And now for the veil," Hermione says adorning your head with a veil of green, gold, and your birthstone.

"Now for the makeup!" Ginny says prancing around.

"Carful Ginny," Hermione warns.

"Wait what?" You ask.

"Nothing!" Ginny says. She's starts putting makeup on. When she's done you sneak a chance to peak in the mirror to see the most beautiful woman  you've ever seen looking back at you.

"I look..." you falter as Ginny pushed you out the door.

"Beautiful to match my beautiful young woman I call my daughter," your dad, Snape, finishes. He takes your arm and heads out to the chapel/temple/mosque/religious gathering place and wait at the door. Your father wore a sharply cut black silk suite with a gold silk dress shirt. His pants were of the finest material black with green snakes going up his legs. He look absolutely dashing. You lean against him and immediately feel relaxed.

"It's time," Harry says poking his head into the hallway. Harry wore a golden suit with a green dress top.

"Okay," you says as nerves immediately sprang back. Snape takes your arm in the crook of his and slowly walks into the place of worship. You see on one side of the families, the good side, dressed in gold with a hint of green and the Malfoys and the previous Death Eaters were dressed in green with a hint of gold. Draco stood at the alter/or place where your religious rituals happens dressed in a green suite with a golden lion with green eyes broach in the place of a corsage. You had a green snake with golden eyes over your heart. You smile as you neared him.

After the vows were said, it was time to put the rings on. Draco smiled and put the ring on your ring finger. The ring was a snake with a lion embracing it. The other was identical as you placed it on to Draco's finger. Then there was the most chaste kiss you've every had in the longest time and you were glad you could share it with Draco.

"And that concludes the legend of the Second Riddle. I'd rather call him Tom Marvolo Riddle," you said to the class of eleven year olds. They were begging to hear the fabled legend and wanted you to say it in you class, potions.

"Mrs. Malfoy-Riddle, are you really the Yn Riddle?" A boy with black hair asks.

"Yes, Albus. She is. And my mother!" Your son Scorpius says giving you a ginormous hug. Draco teaches flying and you teach your father's subject almost as well if not better than Snape. Your father is the headmaster and Fawkes, well, is with you. You knew this year would be a great year.

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