Year 4-4

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

All of the heads turned back to the goblet to see the fire die down. Then out of no where it was once again roaring with life. A paper fluttered out and Dumbledore snatched it from the air. He looks at the paper and does a double take. He looks out at the students and sighs.

"Riddle, Yn!" the room goes dead silent. You sink deeper into your chair as your heart starts pounding. You can't believe it. Who would you put your name into the goblet? You slowly stand and drag your feet to the door. When you get there, you reach a hand out to feel for the nob, but realize it's a vale of dark smoke. You turn back and hear clapping. You see the Slytherins were trying to comfort you and give you confidence. You slip through the entrance and see the participants.

"What is she doing here?" Cedric glares at you.

"Vat dose she vant?" Krum complains.

"Ow old are oo?" Fleur interrogates. Your head snaps back and forth. You slowly inch to the back of the room and hide behind a man who has a fake eye.

"Listen and listen closely. Your first task will be coming soon so prepare well and stay on top of your classes. If you fail your courses because of the tournament, you are required to retake the course. Understood?" Dumbledore asks. You and the rest of the people nod before dispersing back into the Great Hall. You silently slide back into your seat and stare at the food not wanting to eat it.

"What did the headmaster tell you?" Draco asks.

"Oh, nothing," you sigh.

"Don't 'oh nothing me!' What happened?" Draco commands.

"It was just Dumbledore being Dumbledore. Why are you asking, if I may ask?" You reply.

"I just want to keep my friend safe. I know wizards have died in the past and I want to look out for you. That's all," Draco growled back. You hug him gently and walk up the the room.

*Le time skip brought to you by a random floating trash can*

You walked slowly to class savoring each blissful moment. It was the day of the first task and of course no one told you anything about any of the tasks. Ron comes up to you and holds you gently, almost as if he was to calm you down and chase your fears away. You rest your head on his shoulder. You wanted to stay in that moment of time forever, but alas Draco saw you and Ron and ruined the moment.

"Why are you dating Weasley?" Draco interrogates.

"Because I can. Got a problem?" You snap.

"N-no." Draco backs down.

"I thought so," you glare at Draco. You noticed he's been cold to both Ron and now you. You shake it off as you approach the tent. On step inside, you know your life is on the line. Ron noticed you are very tense and chooses the time to passionately kiss you on the lips.

"Babe, you'll do fine. I honestly don't care about the outcomes except one: you must come out alive," Ron says after he breaks away. "Thanks for standing up for me by the way." You kiss him one more time before a flash when off, blinding the both of you. When you vision clears, you see the participants, a man with a struggling bag, and a woman with huge bug like glasses. The man grabs your hand and pulls you into the circle around him.

"Carefully choose a dragon," the man states, opening the bag. Fleur went first and got a Chinese Fireball. Krum got a Norwegian Ridgeback. Diggory got a American Azul. You reach your hand into the bag to pull out a live but tiny model of a Hungarian Horntail. You held the wriggling thing, at an arms length and showed the man.

The Slytherdor (Draco X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora