"Terrible," I replied. The tears escaped and flowed down my cheeks.

"Hey." She squeezed my hand. "Don't cry. Should I get you something to eat?"

I shook my head, then nodded. Both my arms were hurt, so obviously she'd have to feed me, which would give me plenty of time to talk to her. Besides, I was hungry.

She got me chicken soup and buns. "My arm—" I started, but she cut me off. "I know." She started spooning the soup into my mouth. I waited for some time, then asked, "So. What happened after the blast?"

"After the blast? Hmm. Someone called 911. Lots of ambulances came and patients were taken to different hospitals, because there were too many to be accommodated in one. And there were firetrucks, obviously, and cops too. Police say that it was probably a terrorist attack, and more such blasts might happen. I think a curfew will be imposed. Investigation is going on. And we are sending teams to the ruins to dig out dead bodies and look for survivors." She looked at me. "It's a miracle you survived, you know. You're very lucky."

"Lucky?" I repeated. "I'm lucky?" The tears fell faster. "Everyone I loved is dead. My boyfriend and my best friends, all three of them are dead, as far as I know. I wish I'd died with them."

"Don't talk like that."

"Why not? My boyfriend..." I couldn't continue after that because of the expression on her face.

"Boys come and go all the time. It will get better."

I stared at her. Did she really just say that? I was about to go into bitch mode and insult her, but then I realized that I shouldn't, because I was going to need her later.

"Maybe they're not dead. Did you see their bodies?"

I shook my head. I could see where this was going.

"Then how do you know they are dead?"

I opened my mouth to answer. Nothing came out.

"See? You don't know for sure that they're dead. You've just assumed so."

A thought struck me. I leaned forward and took her hand. "Could you do something for me?" I asked.

"Of course."

"Could you go down to the reception and check your records for the names Liam Samuels, Ashley Samuels and Zack Anderson?"

"Sure." She picked up the empty tray and stood up. "What's your name, by the way?"

"Hazel Jones."

"Okay." She exited the room. I looked out through the window again, and thought about my birthday. How was I ever going to live without him?

Amanda came back. I looked at her. She shook her head. "Their names aren't there."

I took a deep breath and lied back on the pillow.

"Don't worry. Maybe they're in some other hospital. Or maybe they're here, but they haven't been identified yet."

"Or maybe they're dead," I muttered. "Where's my phone?"

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