A team!

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"Bella, you have to get down here now or you will miss the bus."

Meet my mom always punctual, maybe she won the "most punctual award".

Urgh! I hate school. Its not like I have any friend that would stand by me when those bullies arrive.

I go down to meet my mom and take coffee before heading outside to wait for the bus.

"Bye mom" I shouted while running out.

I'm the kind of girl that never enjoyed company.

So don't be surprised when I go sit in front when normal people, I mean the popular ones sit behind.

I walk into school and straight to my locker. We have maths first so I take out my maths textbook before heading back to class. How I love maths! Don't think am a nerd, I just enjoy reading to come out with good grades and since I have no friends, my books are my best friends.

Our maths teacher Mr Wesley, walks in and scans the class. Of course I am seated in front what did you think? That I became popular and went to the back?

"Today, the school has asked me to inform you all that you all have to work together in groups on your project for your final exams."

This is the first time we are doing project so there is a lot of voices the happy ones and the angry one. I just stare at him silently not saying anything. Of course whatever I say doesn't make a different.

"Bella, Lizzie and Julian you guys are going to be a group. That's all for today class." Mr Wesley say before leaving the class.

"Why am I cursed?" I mutter silently.

I am so dead. Why do I have to be partners with them? I wish I was put alone.

I walk out to my next class when I hear someone calling me.

" Bella."

"Yes?" I say quietly.

"Urm, I'm Lizzie and we are partners so I was wondering if we could see after school and discuss what our project will be. Did you hear? The best team gets a grand reward and I am sure you want that too or don't you?" She says sweetly.

Her voice is so nice, its like she is singing and her eyes, the calmest green I have seen.

"Sure, after school we will see" I say smiling a little.

She leaves for her next class while I stand a little getting my next book and keeping my maths textbook back in my locker.

Why did I hate her? She is just too nice. I thought she will be like the other bitches in the school. Speaking of bitches,Natasha walks by. I pray silently that she doesn't notice me but my prayer isn't answered as she stops right in front of my locker making me skip a beat. I hated her.

"I heard that you are partners with my boyfriend? I just want you to steer clear, no close contact with him. Is that clear?" She says in her annoying high pitch voice which unlike Lizzie's own is screaming" I am trouble!"

I nod my head and starts moving when I feel a arm turn me round and fall my books on the floor.

"I didn't ask you to go looser" she laughs annoyingly with her minions (her annoying followers)

I bend down to pick my books. Remind me to always run from this girl.

"Hey stop that!"

What? I could never say that I don't have that courage.

I look up to see Lizzie staring angrily at Natasha.

"Why do you enjoy bullying this girl? If you don't stop it, then you leave me with no choice than to tell everybody your secret" Lizzie says while helping me up.

"Are you okay? Did she hurt you? Its okay now, come let's go together"

"Yes,no,thanks" I say to Lizzie smiling at her.

For a long while now, Natasha has been picking on me. Always annoying but I'm just too shy to tell her off. I miss John badly. He would have stopped Natasha from bullying me. No one liked me in school except John. Everyone seemed scared of Natasha.

But today, I got a new hero. She saved me she told her off and even threatened her! I am free!

But why did Natasha even think her boyfriend would look at me? Or even join us?.

Will Julian want to be in our team?

The rest of the day goes by without my knowledge.

Surprisingly, I have the same class with Lizzie all day so we were together and after the close of school, we go to the car park and start discussing what our project would be.

"Hello ladies"

I know that voice! That is one of the school's most popular guys and he is Julian. The one on our team. Wow he came.

He leaned by the window and his hair was messy, making him look hotter than always.

"Big head, you are late." Lizzie says putting a angry mama face on.

"Am sorry momma." he pouts while Lizzie bursts out laughing.

Wow so he jokes. I am still surprised.
He stares at me for a few minutes deciding if to insult me but he let's me be. I should be grateful.

We talk about what we want the project to be and decide to go gather information.

Don't expect me to tell you, we promised it would be a secret.

Lizzie offered to drop me at home.

"So tell me more about yourself." Lizzie says. We were currently seated on my bed eating pizza and getting to know ourselves.

"I am a girl." I laugh

"Obviously." she rolls her eyes and lightly hits my hand.

"Okay, so I love music, I enjoy
sleeping,reading,and food."

"What a boring life."She says faking a yawn." I prefer hanging out with friends, looking for trouble, partying, and having fun." She grinned like she just won a competition.
"Sure, you always have fun." I laugh slightly.

"hey! you can come with me the next time I'll be going out and that is,urmmmm....tomorrow." she says grinning.

Does she not notice I have no friends? How was I to cope. I hate the public, it scares me.

"Urm...I....I.....I don't know, never been to one."

"There is always a first time right? I was like you before but now I go out and party. So tomorrow by six I will be here. I better start going. And oh, I notice how you always walk alone, I will pick you up by seven so be ready." She says getting up to go.

"Thanks Liz." I say

"Wow, wait did you just give me a nickname? I like it so you are welcome and thanks also." she says grinning.

She goes home and I go back to bed thinking about my day.
So far, so good, she seems nice.
Maybe I can open up to her.
Maybe I can tell her why I am like this.
Just maybe.

Double update! Yippie
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