Chapter 16-Thank you.

Start from the beginning

"Why didn't you come and get me, love?"  Louis asked getting up to find Harry some aspirin in the cabinet above the bathroom's sink. "I-I didn't w-want to wake y-you. I'm s-sorry Lou." Harry cried groaning in pain once more. Louis handed him the aspirin and a cup of the bathroom sink's water. Harry drunk it down slowly and cursed to himself when the pain started again.

"Oh Haz, don't worry about waking me. It's my job to take care of you and I don't mind waking up to help you. Next time you're hurt you tell me, okay? Don't do that again mon amour." Harry nodded and gave Louis a sad smile before screaming out in pain again. 

"Someone's a little worked up in there, eh?" Louis said when he bent down to rub Harry's stomach and felt the baby kick. "Calm down baby." He said kissing Harry's stomach over and over.  Harry smiled fondly at Louis before groaning in pain again, tears streaming down his face and dripping off his chin. 

"Harry, are you... are you peeing?" Louis said in confusion when he felt something wet on his hands. Harry's eyes went wide with fear and he started shaking his head frantically. "No, no, no, I'm not ready." Harry said over and over. 

"That's not pee." He said looking down at Louis. 


"Louis that is NOT PEE." Harry screamed in annoyance and pain from his stomach gripping Louis' bicep tightly. 

"Oh... OH!" Louis said now realizing what Harry meant and getting up "We've got to get you to the hospital!" 

Louis used his vampire speed to run around the house getting baby stuff. He grabbed their emergency baby bag and a few blankets for Harry for the car ride to Dr. Payne since it was a bit chilly out. "Come on love." He said picking Harry up bridal style and bringing him to car. 


"Harry Styles." Louis said to the vampire nurse who rolled her eyes in response behind the counter. You didn't think they'd actually go to a human doctor right? Well they didn't. A guy having a baby? That'd be on the media everywhere. The only human that knows about the whole vampire baby situation was Niall. And that was Harry's bestmate so of course he'd tell him. He was a bit creeped out a first but he laughed it off. Yeah, good old Nialler. 

"He's having a baby, he needs to be taking care of now!" Louis said in slight annoyance when the nurse took her time looking for his name. His baby was in pain, he needed to be looked at and he didn't care what some bitchy nurse had to say about it.  

The nurse called some other nurses for help and quickly put Harry in a wheelchair. They rolled him down the hall behind two big screen doors. Louis followed quickly after them only to be stopped by the male nurse of the group. "I'm very sorry Mr. Tomlinson but you can't see Harry right now. I promise to call you down when he's ready to be seen though." He said with a smile. 

Louis appreciated his kindness but he was really irritated out of his mind. "Thank you" Louis said trying to be nice but it came out a bit annoyed and snobby. 

All too familiar situation. Louis thought to himself while face palming and sitting down on the waiting chairs. He could hear Harry's faint cries of pain. He wanted to be their for his boy, he wanted to stay by his side and hold him and tell him that everything was going to be alright. But for now, he had to wait. 


From what felt like hours waiting  to see Harry, the same male nurse came up to Louis with a bright smile showing off a bit of his fangs. Louis jumped up like his life depended on it before the nurse reached his seat. The nurse noticed and chuckled slightly at his actions. "You can see Harry now, I'll lead the way." He said leading Louis through the screen doors and infront of a room with the number 15 on it. 

Louis walked in and he couldn't believe his eyes. He didn't know he was crying until he felt tears trickling down his chin to his neck. 

"Well, are you just going to sit there crying or are you going to meet your daughter?" Harry said in a hoarse voice from crying. Harry was laying in the hospital bed holding a small baby wrapped in a pink blanket. Louis came over to them shaking slightly.  Man up! He thought to himself. 

When he took a look at the baby in Harry's arms he fell in love instantly. He reached out and held her sleeping figure for the first time. "She's so perfect." Louis said sniffling and kissing the baby's head over and over. "Thank you," He said leaning over to kiss Harry. "Thank you so much for giving me a family Hazzy." 

Liam looked at them with fond in his eyes as he came over to pat Louis on the back. 

"Cherish Tomlinson." He said handing them her birth certificate. 

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