Truths and Suprises

Start from the beginning

"Of course Naru, will you hand us the scroll first?" An Anbu with a dog mask asked with a slight bored undertone that he knew always put the blonde at ease and reminded him that he knew him. It seemed to have worked as Naruto's posture lost the stiffness and his shoulders sagged just barely. With a nod, Naruto went to the large scroll, picked it up, and handed it to the Anbu. He recognized two of them almost instantly as two of the frequent people that would guard him when he was first given an apartment to live in and smiled at the two lightly. He could feel there chakra become a little bit more light and taste a bit sweeter and feel a tad bit warmer when it mixed with their auras of soul waves and their separate spirits, along with other things. It took a bit of self control and will power to not pass out right then and there when the adrenaline finally left his system. He was a little bit dizzy and his headache had worsened a bit but he was fine other wise. He needed an excuse to get this over with quickly though and his thoughts went back to his newest precious person, Iruka.

"Can we hurry this up a bit please? Iruka needs medical attention." He said adding a hint of concern in his voice. Dog and cat noticed this and led them all to the hokage tower medical wing. Once Iruka was mostly healed they continued to the Third's office.

The Third was dealing with what all high ranked ninjas most feared and powerful enemy; paper work, when they came in to see an odd sight. Sarutobi was glaring at his paper work with a murderous glare that would be terrifying to see or receive on a normal basis, but the fact that he was glaring at a mere stack of papers was funny enough to get a chuckle from the group, though Naruto was all out laughing his ass off. Naruto's loud laughing caught the attention of Sarutobi and he looked up to them.

"Ah Naruto, I was wondering when you would get here. I think it is time for you and I to have a little talk." He said as calmly as possible as he had almost received a heart attack when he watched the battle go down from the crystal ball like instrument. Let it be said that he was a tad more than a little bit angry when he found out of Mixuki's actions and had gained a headache and a sweat drop when he heard why he wasn't informed on the subject.

"Sure but can it wait for tomorrow? Iruka needs rest first and you have work to do" 'and I am going to drop to the floor pretty soon.' He kept the last part to himself as the corners of his vision were black and he felt beyond exhausted. Sarutobi must have agreed on the paperwork part as a nock was heard on the door and someone opened it with a huge stack of paperwork to add to the other pile already on his desk.

"But isn't he going to be punished for stealing the scroll!?" The Anbu a Naruto didn't recognize asked, though it sounded more like a demand.

"I saw the whole ordeal through my crystal ball. Naruto was tricked into stealing it and therefore, doesn't get punished."

"Wait...what ever happened to a Mizuki?" Iruka suddenly asked

"Oh yeah...forgot about him during the rush to get here...whoops! He's knocked unconscious by the area were you picked us up dog-san, cat-san, Anbu san." Naruto said with a nervous chuckle.
"Iruka was hurt so we had to get here fast, ya know?" With an amused shake of his head, the dog masked Anbu left in a swirl of leaves and was followed by his two companions. Once they were gone, Sarutobi cleared his throat.

"So, how about you two come here tomorrow and we can discuss this matter with some others that should know what is going on?" Sarutobi asked. Naruto's head suddenly gave a quick jerk upwards and he spun a round towards the bookshelf with a hard look on his features.

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