The world is going to fall apart

Everyone will explode

does it really matter though

because there's over 100 billion galaxies in our cosmos

And our cosmos are a bubble in a giant whirlpool of other cosmos


so we mean nothing

life is great

We're as irrelevant as possible

Well maybe we should be grateful

Out of all those billions of galaxies and all that empty matter the right conditions were created for us to be alive

A lot of the matter we see actually isn't empty

In our galaxy every single dot is a star

No matter where we look in the sky we're always looking at something

And if you put infrared lights over your vision you'd discover it was littered with rogue planets

there is a very small possibility that any other creatures exactly like us exactly but at the same time is there not a chance that at the other side of the galaxy there's just like another 7 billion himans like us who don't know we exist and think they're super special too

Which are basically the planets that are invisible to our eye because it's composed of non-solid materials and doesn't have a sun to orbit it

Within the confines of infinity our whole world is insignificant, within the confines of our world we are insignificant

a philosopher in the 1600's once gave a visual that was as if you were shooting an arrow into space. If it kept going, our Milky Way was infinite. If it hit a wall, you'd step onto it, and shoot again. You'd then repeat the process,, which is basically how most scientists view space discovery

And there's also 20 billion exoplanets (planets that orbit a star outside our solar system) similar to our own conditions that we live in, so it's 100% guaranteed that there's life out there besides us

There's actually more planets than stars

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2016 ⏰

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