Chapter 1

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John's favorite part of the day was waking up in the morning, the moment when he first opened his eyes and found Sherlock asleep next to him. He loved seeing Sherlock in this peaceful state, his body relaxed, his expression open and unguarded. Even better though, was watching as the boy stirred awake and gazed back at him, his pale, ethereal features drawn into a sleepy smile that clearly said, "You're still here. I still have you with me." Most days they took their time getting out of bed, rousing each other with nudges and cuddles and soft kisses until Mrs. Hudson hollered from the stairwell calling them down for breakfast.

The first morning they stumbled down to Mrs. Hudson's kitchen after the night on the rooftop, Dannie and Mrs. Hudson were sitting at the table watching the small television on the counter next to the toaster. On the screen, a young female journalist stood in front of the university campus and announced to her viewers, "The students and faculty of Westminster received shocking news this morning. According to incoming reports, one of Westminster's tenured professors has been identified as the kingpin of a notorious drug trafficking ring. Professor Moriarty was arrested last night and is now facing a myriad of charges that could earn a life sentence if he is convicted."

Mrs. Hudson closed her eyes and laid a hand over her fretful heart. "Oh thank goodness." She reached across the table for Dannie's hand and gave it a light squeeze. Then she called for Sherlock and John. "Boys," she hollered, "come see the news. You won't believe what's-"

She turned and saw that Sherlock and John were already standing in the kitchen. Mrs. Hudson and Dannie stared at them open-mouthed. The two boys were leaning on each other slightly, looking a bit battered and sleep-deprived but very glad to have made it home in one piece.

Finally Dannie spoke up and asked, "What the hell happened last night?"

John smiled wearily and wrapped an arm around Sherlock's waist. "Well, long story short, we're not dead."

That was hardly a sufficient explanation, but Dannie and Mrs. Hudson didn't wait for another one before they jumped up from the table and ran to them, enveloping Sherlock and John in a fiercely affectionate embrace.

Five minutes of hugging later, Sherlock was in the process of trying to figure out the gentlest way to disentangle himself from the circle of love. However, Dannie broke away first. "Dammit," she muttered. "We've gotta get moving or we're going to be late for school."

Sherlock shook his head fervently. "Nope. Nope, nope, nope, nope, I'm not going to school. I'm going back to bed."

"The teachers are going to be helping us review for our A-levels," Dannie insisted.

Sherlock huffed. "Honestly, as if I really need that."

Dannie rolled her eyes. "Alright, you don't have to pay attention, but you have to at least show up. You've skived off too many times already."

"Fine," Sherlock muttered with an impatient sigh. Then he turned to John. "You have an impeccable attendance record, John. You can stay home if you want to."

John grinned. "No, I'll come along. Seven hours of school is exactly what I need to recover from a near death experience."

After a quick breakfast, a shower, a change of clothes, and a bit of mothering from Mrs. Hudson, Sherlock and John followed Dannie out the door embarked on the journey to Paddington Academy. It felt a bit surreal joining the hustle and bustle of students going about their normal school day like a couple of soldiers coming home from the battlefield and returning to civilian life. They took a seat at the table near the window in Mrs. Turner's classroom and made a valiant attempt to stay awake. Eventually, though, John ended up leaning against Sherlock's shoulder, and Sherlock nestled his ear against the top of John's head. Halfway through the lesson, Mrs. Turner glanced at the back of the room and noticed that the two boys had dozed off.

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