Chapter Eight

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Rebecca sat on her chair at the front of the church,  waiting quietly as everyone came in. She smiled slightly, and winked at Joel. He gave her a goofy grin, and a thumbs-up. She smiled, opening her small book. He had caught a glimpse of the song title. It was called The Feet Of Jesus, and he was excited. If she was anything more like Sydney, she definitely had a beautiful voice. Steven stood beside him, smiling.

"You ready to finish up your journey here?" Joel sighed, watching as the pastor began speaking.
"Part of me wants to stay, but the rest of me is ready to fix things with Sydney." He chuckled.
"Understandable. You ready to hear her sing? She's getting ready." Joel smiled, watching her. She was moved to the piano, and she smiled, placing her book on the stand. And then, a violin started playing, and she started singing.

"At the feet of Jesus, I will lay my burdens down.
I will lay my heavy burdens down.
In the stillness, I can hear my savior calling out.
'Come to me, and lay your burdens down.'

So I will lay down my struggles,
I will lay down my shame.
And all the fear I've dragged around through this life,
Like a ball and chain.
And I will sing hallelujah
To the one who sets me free.
And you will find me at the feet of Jesus,
You will find me at the feet of Jesus.

In the arms of Jesus, I will find my peace and rest.
I hear him calling come to me and rest.
Carried by my shepherd, cradled tightly, to his chest.
There and there alone my soul finds rest.

So I will rest in the shelter, of my Savior's embrace.
Hidden safely in the refuge, of his mercy and his grace.
And I will sing hallelujah to the one who sets me free.
You will find me in the arms of Jesus.

And at the feet of my savior,
At the feet of my King,
I will bow down and worship.
And I will lift my voice and sing,
Hallelujah, hallelujah to the one who sets me free,
And you will find me at the feet of Jesus.
You will find me at the feet of Jesus."

Joel saw James and Hannah smiling broadly, watching their daughter sing. Billy was smiling, a tear or two trickling down his cheeks. As Joel looked around, he saw that there were very few people who had managed to not cry. The service finished, and everyone started to exit. It was snowing, and Rebecca laughed, slipping a hand out to catch some. After a few minutes of playing in it, he showed up. Nathan. He stared at Billy, a look of pure fury in his eyes.

"Traitor. You betrayed me." Billy took a deep breath, and shook his head.
"No. You were already gone. It wasn't God's fault she died. It's nobody's fault." Rebecca had started shivering, and James noticed.
"Nathan, just stop. Let it go, please. It's Christmas." He stared at everyone, and slowly walked away, his head hanging. After a bit of cocoa, everyone headed to bed. The next morning, Rebecca was the last one up, and she knocked on the wall to get someone's attention. James came in, smiling. He scooped her up, smiling. She wrapped her arms around his neck, grinning as they went into the kitchen.

"Merry Christmas!!" She chirped, and James set her at the table. Hannah smiled, setting a plate of bacon, eggs, and hotcakes in front of her.

"Merry Christmas to you as well. Eat, and then we're going to David and Grace's." She nodded, and coughed slightly. She bit into a piece of bacon, and Billy came out.
"Happy Christmas." He said, a goofy, sleepy grin on his face. He rubbed his eyes, sitting across from Rebecca. They finished breakfast fairly quickly, and Hannah gave Billy, Rebecca, and James each one gift. Rebecca's was a simple, but beautiful lavender coloured dress, with white embroidery on the bodice and the skirt's hem. Billy got a forest green vest and white shirt. James got the same as Billy, except his was peppermint red. Joel smiled as James came out, wearing his outfit, and carrying Rebecca. He grinned, and she smiled. She was beautiful. James set her down, and she grabbed his hat.

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