Chapter Three

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        Meanwhile, Sydney sat beside her dad's bed. It had been four days, and he hadn't changed at all. The doctors said it was a coma, but it didn't make sense, because his brain activity was still normal. She sat there, crying and silently begging her father to wake up. Her best friend, Natalie, came in, her hair soaked.

      "Still no change?" She shook her head.
      "You just come from a swim meet?" She whispered, still not looking up.
      "Yeah. I beat my time again, but that doesn't really matter right now. What did the doctors say?" A tear trickled down her cheek.
      "Broken ribs, fractured skull, sprained wrist, broken collarbone, a lot of bruising, and he's comatose. They said he's in a coma, but his brain activity is normal, which doesn't make any sense. And.....they're pretty sure he's not going to make it. I know things were never great between us, but I...I don't want to live without him." Natalie smiled sadly, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder, and she broke down. Natalie hugged her, and just let her cry. She'd lost her parents in a cat accident awhile back, and lived with her aunt, who she just called Tia. The accident had also completely ruined her left eye, so she now had a glass replacement. Sydney looked at Natalie, and she saw just how upset her friend was. Her eyes were red, puffy, and bloodshot, and she had bags under her eyes from not sleeping. Natalie knelt down, looking her in the eye.

      "Hey. Have you slept at all since the accident?" Sydney nodded, and Natalie gave her a look. She looked down, shaking her head. Natalie sighed, sitting in the chair beside her.

      "Sydney, you have to get some sleep. It's not going to help if you don't." She looked up.
      "Nat, I can't. What......what if something happens?" Natalie shook her head slightly.
      "Then just stay here. Noise wakes you, so you'll know. But please, just try to get some sleep. I just came by to see you for a couple minutes. I've got to go. Tia's waiting. I'll come back later, but please, get some sleep." She nodded, hugging her again. Natalie left, and Sydney looked back at her dad. She had thought she could handle seeing her dad like this, but she couldn't. His arm all wrapped up in the cast, the brace on his chest, and the bandages all over. But that wasn't even the worst. It was his face and part of his chest. All the stitches holding them together, making certain areas look almost frankenstein-like. She gently took his hand, and lay her head down on the bed.

      "Dad....please. Please just don't leave me here. I can't lose you. Please. I....I don't want to live without you." Luke came in quietly, and she sat up. He saw her, smiling weakly. When he looked at Joel, he squeezed his eyes shut, trying not to cry. She lay her head back down, and closed her eyes as her uncle sat down.

     "Please don't leave me." She whispered, a tear making its way down her cheek.

      Joel looked up, feeling like someone was holding his hand, but no one was there. Then, he heard Sydney's voice.

      "Please don't leave me." A tear slipped down his cheek. Rebecca walked out of her room, and sat down at the table. Hannah smiled at her, setting a plate of hotcakes in front of her.

      "Good morning, baby girl. Sleep well?" She nodded, looking slightly droopy. She took a bite, pouring some syrup on them. Hannah watched her, even more sure she was sick.
       "Rebecca, are you feeling okay?" She nodded, looking up.
       "Yeah, I'm fine. Is it okay if I go riding with Maria today?" Hannah looked a little unsure.
      "I don't know. I'm thinking you should stay here and rest today." Rebecca took another bite, swallowing.
      "Mom, I'm fine. If I start feeling bad, I'll let her know and come home." Hannah bit her lip.
      "Alright. I suppose. But finish your breakfast first, got it?" She nodded, digging in again. James came out, kissing Rebecca on the top of the head, and then went over to Hannah.

      "Good morning, ladies. Did you both sleep well?" Rebecca nodded, taking a bite.
      "Yeah. Did you sleep well?" He nodded, kissing Hannah and then sitting across from Rebecca. Joel wasn't sure what had happened back home, but he got the feeling something bad was about to happen here. Hannah sat down with them, and the finished eating together. Rebecca headed out afterwards, and Joel followed. Maria and Rebecca mounted their horses, laughing and talking. They went around the town a couple times, a few people seeing them and waving. On about the third time, Joel noticed Rebecca wasn't holding on as tightly. Joel sat there, watching, and all of the sudden, when they passed him, Rose, Rebecca's mare, spooked and reared. She fell backwards, and when that happened, Maria's mare, Antonia, spooked as well. He shot up, and saw Antonia kick Rebecca right in the back s she tried to stand. When that happened, she cried out in pain, collapsing again. Maria screamed, finally managing to calm Antonia. She kicked her sides, galloping back towards their house. Joel dropped to his knees beside Rebecca, and saw the man nearby yet again. He stood, looking him right in the eye.

      "Did you know this was going to happen? Who are you?!" The man came slightly closer.
     "You don't know? I have an alter version of myself here too. His name is Lucas. This isn't quite another world, but at the same time, it is." He turned, seeing James, Hannah, Maria, and David all heading that way, and then he looked back.

      "Wait...Steven?" But he was gone. Rebecca was unconscious, and Hannah was kneeling beside her, crying. James picked her up, pretty much running back towards their house. Joel ran after them, and he saw Doctor Cooper coming, as Maria had also alerted him to the crisis. Joel followed, staying as close to Rebecca as possible.

      "Rebecca...Please. don't give up. Your parents need you. Don't lose your will to live." He whispered, looking at her face, flushed and her cheek bleeding. She wasn't Sydney, but he didn't want to lose her either. hit him.

     "No. Oh, dear God, please, no. Please. Let me get back to her." The one thing he had been missing for so long. He wasn't in danger of losing Sydney. She was still there with him physically.....but he had already lost her. Now he had to get her back, before it was too late.....if he survived long enough to.

Author's note- Hello! Please don't start ganging up on me!! It's not over yet!! What did you all think? Remember, if you haven't already and want to, make a character!! Natalie is _ily_13. Signup for that closes September 18, 2016. Thanks for reading!! Shoutout to these lovely people! Go follow them!- Craver_Priceless


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