Chapter Two

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Joel sat on the porch again. He had seen bits and pieces of the last ten years. Weddings, birthdays, deaths, important stuff. As well as the day Rebecca had been beat up by Billy's girlfriend, Annie, and her friends, Maude and Joanna. She had come home cut and bruised, with a black eye, busted lip, and sprained wrist. It had been painful to see. He watched Rebecca as she kicked her mare's sides. She looked exactly like Sydney now. She rounded the corner, coming to the three houses belonging to her family. The first one was where she and her parents lived. House number two belonged to David, Grace, Jacob, and Josiah, who all looked exactly like Luke, Courtney, Jude, and Phoenix. The third belonged to her other aunt and uncle- Jude and Ellie, and their son, Isaiah, who looked like Ben, Paige, and Asher. She pulled back on the reins, and then climbed down, removing a letter from one of her saddlebags. She ran inside to Hannah, Joel following close behind.

"Mail call!" Hannah smiled, wiping her hands on her apron and taking the letter. Rebecca sat down at the table, going back to what she had been writing.

"At the feet of Jesus, I will lay my burdens down. I will lay my heavy burdens down. In the stillness, I can hear my savior calling out, come to me, and lay your burdens down." She read what she had written quietly, looking over it. Joel still didn't understand where he was, or who the man he kept seeing was. The man looked so familiar, but he couldn't place it. Hannah read the letter, smiling gently..

"Your aunt Elisabeth just got married about a month ago." Rebecca smiled brightly, looking up.
"That's wonderful. And that's all of dad's siblings. Now only uncle Sammy has to get married, and all of you siblings will be married as well! Dad said he's going to end up being a cowboy of he doesn't marry." Hannah laughed.
"He's not going to get married. And you father is probably right about him ending up as a cowboy." Rebecca teasingly pointed her pencil at her mother.
"You don't know that. He might surprise you. Dad said before he met you, he wasn't planning on getting married." Hannah laughed, and Joel couldn't help but laugh also. Yes, that was true. He hasn't planned on getting married.....and then he met Moriah at Luke's wedding.

"Well, you might be right about that. We'll see. You run over and ask David and Grace if they want to bring the boys and come for supper." She nodded, putting away her writing supplies. She ran out the door, Joel following close behind. She ran around to the back door, opening it a d going in.

"Evening, Rebecca. Let me guess. You're coming to ask if we'll come to supper. Am I right?" She nodded, laughing.
"Yup! Bacon, beans, and cornbread." Grace laughed, setting down the blanket she was working on.
"Tell your mother we'll be there as soon as David gets home." She nodded, giving Jacob and Josiah kisses. Jacob and Josiah looked exactly like Jude and Phoenix, which warmed his heart. He loved seeing them, and missed them terribly. Joel followed her out, watching people go by. Sydney never left his mind. He watched this other version of himself with this other version of Rebecca....And what his relationship with her could've nearly killed him. He saw David and James coming down the street, a miner and the Sheriff's deputy together. Rebecca smiled and waved, and they waved back. David kept walking, but James came over to her.

      "How was your day, baby girl?" She smiled as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and she put her hand on his.

      "It was good. Annie, Maude, and Joanna are leaving me alone. And David, Grace, and the boys are coming over for supper." He chuckled, looking right where Joel was standing.
       "Both good things. You alright? You're looking a little bit flushed." She nodded.
       "I'm fine. It's pretty warm out. I think I'm just really warm." He nodded, and then went inside. Joel got up, following. Hannah smiled, turning to see James and Rebecca enter.

       "Hello there." He smiled, pecking her on the lips. She smiled, and looked at Rebecca.
      "Are they coming?" Rebecca nodded.
      "She said they'd leave when uncle David got there, so they'll probably be here soon." Hannah chuckled, flipping the bacon.
      "Will you set the table, please? Add two more places, and add two wooden plates." Rebecca did as she was instructed, and then showed her dad what she had written. He was pleased, giving her ideas for the next part. Minutes later, David, Grace, Jacob, and Josiah arrived. A couple hours later, an exhausted Rebecca crawled into her bed. Joel, Hannah, and James stood in the doorway, watching.

      "I think she might be coming down with something." James said, watching her as she slept. Hannah nodded.
      "Yeah. I....I'm scared it might be scarlet fever. She's looking really flushed, and she felt warm tonight." He shook his head.
      "I hope it's not. Grace and Jude have never had it, and neither have any of the boys, Isaiah included." Hannah sighed.
     "All we can do is pray she doesn't actually have it." Joel sighed, watching her. He knew what scarlet fever was, and it was nasty. He really hoped she didn't have it. But...if she would be absolutely miserable. He looked across the room, seeing the man again. This time, along with his careworn face, white suit, blue tie, and glasses, he was holding an acoustic guitar. He looked even more familiar now....but he just couldn't place it.

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