One||O d e t o S l e e p

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You must read book one before you read this!

Two days after the last Blurryface chapter

The forest was dark, yet quiet. The only noise we could hear were the crunching leaves beneath  our feet along with our heavy breathing. The wind howled through the air as the trees danced above us, swaying back and forth in rhythm.

Gripping tightly onto Tyler's hand, I try to keep up. The world was fading in and out between blurry and clear that it was hard to see at this point. My foot gave out below me, tripping over a rock as I felt myself fall to the dirt floor of the dense forest.

"Josh!" I heard Tyler hiss out, still gripped tightly onto my hand. I looked up at him as he attempted to drag me off of the dirt ground. "Come on Josh!" He breathed out again. He sounded so scared, terrified even. I didn't like when Tyler sounded scared, so I got up for him.

My eyes focused on his face suddenly as I noticed blood gushing from his nose. "T-Tyler." I breathe within a gasp as I placed my hand on his rough cheek, his forehead covered in small tiny droplets of sweat as his hair stuck up. His eyes were wide as they stared back at mine, the blood under his nose already down to his lips, staining his tan skin.

"I'm fine, Josh we have to go!" Just before he could tug me forward again, the word "Worthless" echoed through the forest. Tyler suddenly picked up his pace, tugging me forward with him, his grip getting tighter as I saw his fingers become white with pressure.

My head was spinning in circles and I could feel sweat beginning to slowly make its way down my back. My heart felt as if it was going to give out at any moment. It was becoming hard to breathe and my legs ached but we had to keep going. We were running from something, or someone.

Before I knew it, the hand that was gripped to mine suddenly disappeared. I fell forwards, no longer a body to tug me forward. Tyler was gone. Just like that, poof. My rough hands cut against the hard dirt floor, blood beginning to drip from one of the slices in my hand.

Breathing hard, I sat upright, looking all around me. I was all alone. The forest suddenly felt tighter and more enclosed. I had no idea where I was. I lost my home, he's gone. "Tyler!?" I shouted, hoping for him to reveal himself again.

"Worthless" the echo beamed out again. I was scared, so scared. The wind picked up and I swore I saw a black shadow out of the corner of my eye. My breathing hitched as I quickly turned around, hoping to see whoever was out here with me. "Worthless" it hissed out again.

I hugged onto my knees tightly. I wanted Tyler back. He made everything better, he made everything feel safe again, and even better he made himself feel like home. "Tyler!" I cried out, not noticing how wet my cheeks were.

Before I could even get up, I felt a strong tug on the back of my shirt collar, throwing me back against another body that was now holding up me by the shoulder, gripping hard as it's fingernails made crescent moon shapes into my skin.

Groaning out in pain, I'm tugged around to finally get a look at the conflict. My eyes widened as I choked on my own spit. I kick my feet up, wanting to get away as fast as I could.

"Hello Joshie." My brother spat out, smiling, before pulling his fist back and punching it straight into my face.
My eyes opened quickly, jumping myself awake. I let out a small yell before grasping onto my bare chest to get the beating to go down. My eyes dart around the small dark room I was in, the only light from the small spaces in the windows curtains beside me.

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