i slept with my worst enemy and now i think i love him! part 2

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Hi, i finished the second part just now so i hope you like it. i really didn't know how to explain part of it so i asked my friends if she could help and together we came up with this. This part is manly all sex, so if you don't woanna read about it then don't read any further. Thanks for voting and writing comments. I hope you enjoy!


Part 2

Both of his hands flew up and took grasp of my waist. His hand moved slowly up my back and then he pulled away. "you're drunk and so am i, maybe we should stop....." he never finished what he was going to say instead he moved his hand to my face and pulled it down to his lips.

I felt his tongue pocking at my bottom lip and i opened my mouth allowing him to smooth my tongue with his. The kiss turned stronger and stronger as he pressed harder on mine. I pulled away, my breathing uneven and stood waiting as he stood and resumed kissing.

His hands moved down to my bum lifting me up so my legs wrapped around his waist. I tightened my arms around his neck pressing a little bit harder on his lips. He carried me up stairs to my bedroom and lay me slowly onto my bed. The wired thing about this is that part of me actually knew what i was doing and didn't want to stop.

He laid himself on me and began kissing my earlobe and a pleasured moan escaped my lips. His sweet soft lips moved down my neck planting much wanted kisses (i won't lie) and stopped at my collarbone as his hand found the zip on the side of my dress and pulled it down.

He lifted himself off me and slowly pulled my dress off. Then he positioned himself back on top of me and i took hold of the bottom of his shirt and pulled it off to reveal his toned six pack. My hands drifted around his chest and then i lifted myself up and brought my mouth to his.

We fell back and he moved his hand so that it took hold of my left breast. I moaned louder this time when i felt his cold hand against my warm skin. He kissed my neck again before moving down to my breasts. He kissed around them and that shot warm tingly feelings free inside me.

He pulled away and looked at me with his hands resting on my pants line, i nodded and he pulled them off. I grabbed his neck and pulled him down to me again and pushed him off so i sat on top of him. I unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans pulling them off. I leaned in and kissed his chest up to his lips. I felt his hands move up and down my back until he rolled over and he was on top of me again.

He stopped kissing me and bent down a bit to pull off his boxers. He came back and my fingers got knotted up in his brown hair. I soon felt something hard touching the entrance into me, his manhood didn't entre at first but then i felt it go in and i screamed as it went deeper. I grabbed his back and surely scratched him. I let one of my hands fall and i grabbed on to the sheets. He moved up and down slowly but that didn't ease the pain at all.

He stopped and looked up at me, "Are you ok? I can stop" "no I'm fine" i didn't even think about what i was saying. It was as if someone else took over. My moans came out full of pain and i heard a slight moan escape his lips.

Just when i began to think the pain wouldn't leave it eased and he started moving faster. With each push i could feel him going deeper and deeper. My moans came out faster and full of pleasure. I didn't want him to stop, something in me had erupted.

I burred my head in his shoulder and muffled my moans.

Once we were done he rolled off me and i lay my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me as our breathing tried to get back to normal. For that time together i actually felt something strange that I'd never felt before....but i couldn't put my finger on what it was. Sleep was just around the corner and took us.

I woke in the morning with my head killing me. I sat up and heard a noise next to me. I turned and almost screamed my head off. Well that's actually what happened. I pulled the sheet to my naked body and jumped of the bed screaming. He jumped up and pulled his boxers on.

"Tess what the hell!" "Wha....what are you doing in my bed with me naked?" he looked at me than at the bed then back to me. "You don't remember?" i looked at him and then it all came rushing back to me. The club, the headache this morning, the falling over and....and the sex.

"OH MY GOD! I slept with....with you?" i loosened my grip on the sheet and slammed my palm to my forehead. "Shit" i muttered to myself. I turned to look at him. His face took on a shocked expression as if he only realised what we did last night.

"Fuck! I really did do you?" i walked up to him and slapped him with every inch of strength in me. He rubbed his cheek and he looked at me with a distant face. "Why the fuck did you do that?" "Because you....you took my....my....you....i hate you.....it couldn't of....but.....Ah why do you always make things a joke!" i moved away before i hit him again.

He looked at me and all of a sudden a sharp pain spread across my abdomen. I let out a yell and fell to the ground clutching my stomach. "Tess!" in seconds he was by me. "Are you ok?" i nodded and his face drooped. "I....really.....Dan's little......oh my god" his voice was quiet and i really believed that he believed what happened last night.

"I gotta go" he ran to his jeans and top and he gave a glance back at me before saying, "I'm sorry, but you gotta get over it. It doesn't mean anything we were drunk and i still hate you like you still hate me." His voice was a bare whisper. And at that he left.

The second i heard the front door slam closed i fell into tears. How could he? I wasn't crying about the whole i hate you thing but all the other stuff. Things could never go back to normal. And how the fuck was i meant to get over it? He took my virginity my enemy took it, Adrian took it.

To tell the truth i don't know why I'm crying. I should feel angry, which i do but part of me just feels hurt.....like I've been used and then dumped. Why was i feeling like this?

I got up and dressed before calling Tracy to make sure we were still on for tonight. I then called Krissy and spent half an hour convincing her to come tonight, i just said i had to talk to her about something that happened last night. At first she thought it was about her not waiting for me before she left and i just simply told her i had already left before her.

Just around about five my brother came in. "Hey Tess! I'm home" i ran downstairs and hugged him tight, for the first time i actually missed my brother. "Hey i invited a few friends over for a sleep over as you like to put it. Ok?" "Yep, who are they?" "Well Jimmy, Chris, Luke and Adrian" my heart stopped at the mention of his name.

All my mixed emotions towards him drifted away i only had anger left. I didn't feel like crying only like getting my own back. But deep down a part of me felt differently, it still cried except that part was way down and too far to hold onto.

I nodded and made my way to my room. We only saw each other ten hours ago and now we were goanna see each other again. He wants to act like nothing happened than fine we'll act like nothing happened.

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I Slept With Him, My Enemy And Now . . .  UNDER EDITING UPDATES COMINGजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें