Talk over cans of beer

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Alright, let me get this straight. I am seeing and talking to a dead person. This dead person must be, no doubt, the dead lover of one of my classmates who is a rebel and perhaps deeply troubled by his own lost. 

"What about him?"

"Please, Yano, he is troubled! I can't bear seeing him destroying his life like this!" She pleaded me holding me by the shoulders but all I felt was coldness seeping through my three layers of clothing. "It's my fault. I left him. It's my fault. Now he is destroying his life. I can't bear seeing him like this. I can't move on knowing he isn't alright!"

I touched her cheek even though I know all I am touching was thin air. "Hey, Miki. It is not your fault."

I felt connected to this girl. Perhaps, maybe because I saw her almost every day on the train. 

"Will you help?" She asked. 

"Help what?"

"Help Hiro to change for the better. Help him in his new life."

"Why can't you just go to him and say that yourself."

"I wanted to. But if I show my face to him he'll be more depressed. He blames himself for all this."

"And why on Earth would you ask me?"

"Because I think, you will be a good friend to him"


The next afternoon, we grab a couple of beer in a convenient store before heading out home. Hiro wore his leather jacket over his suppose to be plain white tees. But it was covered in dirt and blood. 

"Man, you should have changed your clothes. People keep starring at us as if we are some bad-ass." I said gulping down my beer. We sat on a bench opposite the store. 

"The bad-asses are those jerks that know nothing but stick their noses in somebody else's life!" He crushed his empty can and opened another one from him plastic filled with beer, soda and the usually chips. 

"You haven't been in school lately." I said. "What's up?"

"I'm thinking of stopping school. There's nothing much of my life anyway. I was looking for jobs"

"Dude, how in the world you will ever find a job looking like a grumpy old geezer with that dirty shirt on."

He glared at me. I raised my hand in defense. "Just saying!" 

His cell phone rang the next minute. 

"Hello? Yeah babe" I heard him talk over his cell. He doesn't mind if I hear every word.

"Sure... I'll meet you tomorrow afternoon. Same time. Yeah"

He talks emotionless. Must have a girlfriend, whom he doesn't even love that much. His eyes are so empty. 

Another ring.

"Yeah, sweetie?" He said. Now that was just wrong.

"Of course, Tuesday dinner. I won't forget it this time I promise" He hung up.

"Dude who were those chicks you're talking through the phone?"

"Girlfriends" He said emotionless.

"You got two?" I can barely have one. Damn.

"Three actually"

I saw a cell phone accessory hanging in his cell phone. It was his picture with a girl. They were both smiling and I could see how in love they are. I could even feel a positive energy in the picture. I knew who the girl was. It was Miki. 

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