SELMA(part 1)

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I woke up to Marina crying. She was on the phone. As soon as she hung up, I gave her a hug. -what's wrong? I asked her and she told me some terrible news. Her little sister Selma, aged 3 1/2, had escaped from the mental hospital. I know it sound pretty dumb, a three year old running from a hospital. But Marina said something about that Selma had been welcomed by the doctors to this new girl, Ajiuo, and she was possessed by a Ouija board. She had shown Selma the Ouija board, and the doctors had meant Selma, had a connection to the board. The planchette moved by itself, and Selma was talking other voices, voices from whom she was talking to. Selma had been different after using the board. She was more aggressive, and it was said she had killed one of the nurses. Now Ajiuo and Selma is gone. Who kidnapped who? Maybe the both ran away, but still. Poor Marina. She told me she had to leave and she went. No goodbye kiss, or goodbye hug. I invited the squad. I just felt an eager to call it a squad, so I felt cool, but I actually felt pretty dumb. Well anyway, Amalie and Kristina came. Kristina brought a friend called Berukia. He was cool. And gay. We watched a few movies and Berukia brought up the Ouija board. "Yo 'Del? I heard you got a Ouija board. Tat tru?" He asked me, sounding like a gangster. I looked nearly afraid of him, but pulled my self together and went to get the Ouija board.
I didn't realise it before we sat at the table, but Amalie had cut and colored her hair. It was still brown, but a bit darker and she had cut her hair to the shoulders. She fit it. Anyway, we sat at the table and got ready to play. "Oh Adele, I think someone is trying to reach you" Amalie said and looked at my phone. 10 missed calls from Adam. I had turned off the sound on my phone and also the vibrating sound. "Sorry, I'm just going to take this" I said and left the room. "Hello Adam, what's up?" I asked and he sounded worried. "Adele, where are you?" He said worried and scared. "I'm at home. Why?" I asked. "We have a Ouija board at home right?" He asked. "Yes?" I said. "There are two girls, a 3 year old and a 12 year old, on the run from the mental hospital. The three year old girl, Selma, is Marina's little sister, and she is possibly on the way to your.....ou..boa.." suddenly the connection broke. I didn't hear the last word.
I went inside again, and they had made the board ready. "Y'all ready?" Berukia said and cracked his fingers. "Ya know what? In Japan, we have this game called Kokkuri-san, and It's a lot safer, but yeah. We like scare don' we??" He said and laughed. We all put two fingertips on the planchette and circled the board four times. One for each player. "As friends we gather, hearts are true. Spirit near, we call to you" we all said at the same time. "Is there anyone here?" Amalie asked. The planchette slowly went to YES. "Who is this" Berukia asked. The planchette moved to G U E S S. So creepy. We have to guess who we are talking to. It's probably someone we know. "Who is this?" Berukia asked again. The planchette moved to S. "Is this the little crazy girl, that ran away from the hospital?" Kristina asked. I nodded to Kristina. Even though it wasn't a question to the board, the spirit answered. The planchette moved YES. Suddenly Amalie fell of the chair, and she was shaking and it sounded like she was choking. She laid on the floor for a few minutes, and suddenly she raised up and sat back down on the chair. She looked different. "What do you want Selma?" I asked. "I WANT TO KILL, I WANT TO KILL, I WANT TO KILL!!" Amalie said. "Are you with Ajiuo?" Kristina asked. "She's dead" Amalie said. It seemed like Selma was talking to us through Amalie. Interrupting my thoughts, Amalie went off the chair and to the kitchen. I heard her, playing with the knives. "Little, big, sharp, regular. This one was very good, slicing up my skin so fast" I heard her say. Oh no. She's going to kill Amalie. "What is she doing?" Berukia asked. I didn't know. Suddenly my phone was ringing. It was a call from Karina. "Hello" I said. "Adele, you're in danger. I can't explain it, but my best friend Karol Sevilla told me she could see you and Amalie and Kristina and a guy sitting at your table playing with the Ouija board. She also saw danger and fear. And she showed me. Someone of you guys are going to die. You have to burn the board. Or else..the" the phone call broke off again. Why is it, that every time, someone is trying to tell me something important, the connection is bad.
"What was it about?" Berukia asked me.
" guys remember wimpy Karina?" I asked and everybody nodded, except Berukia. Kristina told him everything we'd experienced with the Ouija Board. "Woah, if you'd told me, id NEVAH played it!" He said, scared as hell. "Well anyways, Karina told me her bestie Karol Sedilla something, had seen us gathered around the board and she had seen that one of us was going to die. We had to burn the board if not" I said. "IF NOT WHAT?!? YOU CAN'T END A SENTENCE LIKE THAT!!" Berukia said scaring the shit out of us. "The connection broke, and yeah...I agree with Adam and Karina, we should burn the board and get that Hell outa here" I said, gangster-ish like Berukia. He laughed. We agreed to burn the board, while all of a sudden we heard a noise from the kitchen. I remembered, Amalie was in there, possessed by a little maniac!! I ran towards the kitchen, and behind me Kristina and Berukia was following. In the kitchen I saw Amalie laying on the floor. Blood was pouring down from her hands. "Hihi, I'm making some tea for you, just sit down and I'm soon about done." Amalie said and forced us down on the living room couch. We couldn't move up from it. She had some way or another used some magical force or something like that, to lock us down at the couch. After a few minutes Amalie, ehm..Selma, came in with some tea. Well, I'm not sure it actually was tea, but it looked like it. When she had put the tea cups down, she cut her hand and poured some blood in the cups. Disgusting. She made us drink it. I was trying to spit it out, but Selma was too strong. Afterwards, after the drink, Selma was away. We finally could move from the couch.
"Now, we're burning it!" Kristina said. "I don't have an oven in my house!"
Hey! Sorry it's been long ago, since I updated here! Well hope you like it!

I regret playing with Ouija boardOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant