Bite mark!

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"AAAH!!!!!" I screamed loud as hell. "What is it babe" Adam said and kissed me. We kissed for a long time. He kissed my neck and went lower down. He kissed my stomach and kissed my thigh and went to my "pizza". It was good, but I stopped him. -what is it babe" Adam said, in a hunger for sex. "I don't think I'm ready yet" I said, but I really wanted it. "We have already done it, twice" he said. "Okey, I can't wait anymore, just keep on doing whatever your doing with your tongue" I nearly screamed. He was so good at it. Licking me, teasing me. Then we he started to put his penis in my vagina, I moaned. "Put your condom on, we don't need an accident to happen." I said and he did it. It was delightful. I moaned loud. Then my phone rang. I didn't wanna take it, but it was my job. "Sorry Adam, I have to take this" I said and took the phone. "Hello" I said. "Hello, you contacted me yesterday I'm Lost" she said and I quickly hung up. "What was it" Adam said confused. "Nothing, ready to do it now?" I said and licked his dick. He stopped me. "Sorry I'm not in the mood anymore" he said and kissed me. I kissed back and we went to sleep again
I woke up and made some tea. I got a call from Marina. "Hey girl, do you want to have a sleepover today?" She said and it reminded me that Adam is going to Sweden for the weekend with his job. "Yeah, I don't want to be alone tonight since Adam is going to Sweden." I said and smiled. "Which place?" She said. "Mine?" I said and she answered yes. We hung up and I started cleaning my house. Angelo was at school and right after school he was going to a friend named Mike. And I'll ask mom to babysit Hope for the weekend. "Hi mom❤️can you babysit Hope for the weekend?" I wrote to her. Seen at 10.57 "yeah with pleasure. What are you doing for the weekend😏😏"
Seeing my mother use those pervert emojis made me laugh. "Having a sleepover😊. Btw do you know what those emojis means?"  Read at 10.59
"What is happening on the sleepover? Is any boys included? And no I don't know what they mean"
Haha! She's so funny. As if anything is going to happen. "Nothing is happening it's just me and Marina" read at 11.01 "😂👍🏼" I turned off my phone and continued cleaning.
A few hours later Marina came. She had a lot of baggage. 10 movies, her Ouija board, something I don't know what is and clothes. "Hi!" She said and gave me a hug. I hugged back. We watched 3/10 movies called: Torturation and blood, Ouija board, why? And Jim Carrey's FABULOUS DAY. They were all fun. When they were done, the clock were 9. She wanted to play the Ouija board. I didn't really want to, but she was sleeping with me so she would keep me safe. She asked the first question. "Are there any spirits here?" The planchette moved to YES. "Do you think Adele likes me?" She said and I looked wierd at her. The planchette went to
M A Y B E. I blushed. "Did you know which way I meant?" She asked me and I nodded. She then leaned closer to me and kissed my cheek. " I have boyfriend" I said and stopped her. "Me too, but I love you. Adele and I want to kiss you" she said and I blushed. " I think I want to do that with you to, but what about Adam?" I said. She didn't answer me. She leaned closer to me again and kissed me. This time I didn't stop her. We kissed a long time and she touched my boobs. So did I. I'm about 14 years older than her, it's pervert, but I can't help it. She so good at kissing, even better than me. Even with the tongue. Oh god, I couldn't help myself when she started sucking on my nipples. We got in bed and did the rest of our job. When we fell asleep I remembered that we had forgotten to say goodbye?!? I was scared but tired as hell. So I fell asleep cuddling with Marina. I woke up, by someone touching my leg. I thought it was Marina, so I didn't care. I looked at Marina, she was asleep. I freaked out and felt big pain in my leg. I dragged it to me and under the duvet. I looked at it and saw a little bite mark. It didn't have so many teeth, so it must have been from a child. Probably Lost. I woke Marina up and she looked tired. "What is it Delly" she yawned. I showed her my leg. She looked scared. "We forgot to say goodbye!" She screamed. She was scared. We ran to the living room. We didn't have any clothes on except out tiny panties, but we didn't care, we had to play. "Are there any spirits here that would like to communicate with us?" I asked and it went to YES. "Can we say goodbye?" Marina asked and it went to NO. "We can play with you tomorrow, okay?" I said and it went to YES. "So goodbye then" Marina said and the planchette moved to GOODBYE. Thank God! It was 4 in the morning so we couldn't sleep. So we continued doing what we did before. Kissing. A lot.
----------------------------------------------Sorry this is a long chapter, but one of my best friend said my chapters were short😂 she wanted me to update often. If you read this A you know who you are, btw my Ouija board came today❤️ love marina XX

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