Chapter 17

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Harry's P.O.V

"Yeah, you can Amie dear. It's also your the way, what happened?" I allow enough space for her to enter.

"Well today, dad was very pissed off. I asked him why and he told me about your encounter with him, earlier this morning.

Then I told him that what you did was right. FYI, I'm so happy that you changed your mind, Mr. Styles. Then dad was like, are you against your own father?

And I was like no, but I'm against the small kiddo thinking in his mind. Then he was like, am I arguing with him? and I was like, I'm just telling you what is right and what is not.

So he became more pissed off. He started yelling at me and I too gave back him the same favor.Then he started telling me that I was not the same kid he knew.

I mean from where did this topic come from? I told him that he was changing the topic  and he was like, he's not. And I was like, he is. And he was like, he's not. And this went on for like an hour until I got too angry that I shouted at him.

He told me that as long as I live under his roof, I should listen to him and not fight with him. So, I just took my bag and came here?" She said it as if she had memorized it all night!

"So, you ran away from there?" She's not that stupid, is she?

"No, I just left the house for a few days. I'll go back, once he apologizes to me." 

"Amie, sweetheart! Give grandma a hug." She threw her bag and ran to hug mom.

"It's been so long since I saw you." I rolled my eyes.

"You saw me just yesterday, granny."

"Yes, but for a grandma even one day without seeing their grandchild is like a year." Both I and Darcy chuckle.

"Darcy darling, come and help me cook dinner. " She nod her head and went to the kitchen with mom. Amie then took her bag and went to the guest room to freshen up.

No matter what, Amie is always like Louis. Like father, like daughter.

She is always like my second daughter. She is funny, tension-free and bubbly girl just like Louis. Darcy on the other hand is sensitive, hardworking, takes everything on top of her head , just like her mom.

Both Amie's and Darcy's relationship is just like mine and Louis' relationship. We all are complete opposite to each other but yet we mix with each other just like how bread goes with jam.

Don't worry, I think I'm talking like this due to lack of sleep. Once I get my beauty sleep, my brain will start working again.

"Harry, dinner's ready...come fast." My mom shouts from the kitchen.

I really, truly, madly miss mom's food. I miss it just like how a....a....well nothing is coming to my mind, right now. Once I remember what I wanted to say, I'll tell you, But right now, I'm craving for food.


"Hello." I hear a familiar male-voice.


"Oh, Harry, I'm Mason. Remember me?" Mason..mason..Mason Robert.

"Hey Mason, how are you mate?" I haven't heard from him since forever.

"I'm fine. I got married and I have two kids. A boy and a girl. How's Darcy?"

"She's good. Just day before yesterday, she turned sixteen."

"I tried to visit you guys but I couldn't. I got busy with work.Sorry.." I know how much he loves her.

"It's ok."

"Is it ok if I visit you guys tomorrow?"

"Yeah. No problems. Anyways, she really needs to see you."

"I know. Since, I'm her first father."

"Yes Mason, you are." We then say our byes and end the call.

"Darcy, tomorrow Mason is coming to visit us." I tell her as I put the plate into the sink.

"Who's Mason?" I'm crazy to think that she'll remember him. She last saw him when she was like two or three.

"Mason is like your first father." I look at her shocked face.

"My first father?"

Hey! How's life, everyone? Are you confused about Mason being Darcy's first father? Then don't worry, your confusion will be cleared in the next chap. 

Quote of the chapter- Life is a succession of lessons, where one must be lived to understand.


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