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Miranda was pregnant when she died. She was on her way to meet Rip and tell him, an overjoyed Jonas skipping along with her... never to realise that they would never deliver the news.

(Had everything gone right, and the two had been saved, Miranda and Rip's second child would have been a girl. Her name would be Hope Lenny Hunter; a part of her name in honour to a lost friend). 

This one is actually a older head-canon, made around the third episode. Me and a few friends collabed on it, when all of us were still so innocent to the cruelty of the LOT universe, and we still believed there was hope for Rip. Thus Hope Hunter. Then things went to shit, and now we have Hope Lenny Hunter, who would only ever end up being a thought never come to pass... 

In a way she's sort of the representation of the things we lost during the course of the show. 

And I promise the one you get tomorrow will be happier. 

Probably... maybe... sorta... 

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