Intro: The Promise

Start from the beginning

The king tried everything to dispel the darkness. Recruiting all kinds of magic users and seeking the help of scholars. But no one could stop its rampage across the country. Towns were desolated and abandoned, livestock left rotting in fields that were reduced to dust from the death of dying plant life.

In his desperation the king sent his eldest son to seek out the black druid. After some weeks, the prince returned with a message. The black druid would help the people of Everim, but under one condition. The beloved princess of Everim would come to live with him the day her foretold gift manifested. The whole kingdom was appalled by the condition, and the king debated long with his advisors and with the representatives of the various territories. The council room was constantly filled with heated arguments.

In the end it was Alaura herself who decided her fate. She had been barely ten, and just getting over her own illness. She stood in the doorway of the council chamber, a handkerchief in her hand, listening for some time to the debate of the council. Somehow her small voice was heard over the yelling, ceasing the bickering instantly as they all turned to look at her.

"Everyone is dying," she said softly, and all attention was on her. "We need help. I want to help, and if this is how, I can do it. Everyone will be alright."

The king went over to the little princess, kneeling in front of her to be at eye level. He attempted to dissuade her, telling her not to say such things. But she shook her head and gave a strong smile for such a weak face.

"I will go when the time comes, and the darkness will disappear."

Her words, and her strength, broke the heart of the king, but he complied. If she were so willing, then so would it be. He sent his son to give the message to the black druid, saying that they comply with his condition.

A few days later he came himself, riding upon a great black horse that chomped on its bit with wild eyes. He rode up to the door of the castle and dismounted, robes billowing around him as he strode with an air that made the strongest warrior tremble. The royal family waited for him upon the steps of the door, watching his approach. Alaura held tightly to her mother's hand as he came to stand before them.

"I am here to hear in your voice that you agree to might conditions to dispel your plight," the black druid said, his voice deep and quiet, yet full of a strange power.

"I cannot say it myself, for the decision was not made by me or my counsel, but with the princess in question," the king replied, faltering a moment in the presence of the druid. The black druid's eyes, a dark blue, turned to the child. Alaura stared up at him with a set jaw and unwavering gaze. He went and kneeled before her in a fluid movement, robes settling about him.

"So child, what have you to say?" he asked her.

"Will the darkness go away and everyone get better?" she first asked of him. He simply nodded, and Alaura took in a breath. "I want everyone to get better, no matter what. Please help my people. I will go with you. I will go with you now if you want," Alaura said, fear and determination intermingled in her voice. The druid gave a slight smile.

"Don't worry. You still have plenty of time before you will come with me. But one day you will. I look forward to that day, but for now I will save your people. Especially for one with such a large heart," he told her, and Alaura nodded. It then dawned on her that his thick black hair obscured part of his face. With the hand that did not clutch her mother's, she reached out to move aside the curtain of hair. But a strong gloved hand grasped her small one, stopping her before she could touch a strand. Everyone around them seemed to tense, and the queen tightened her grip on Alaura's hand.

"Can't I see?" came the squeak of a voice from the small girl.

"One day," he replied simply, his smile gone. With that he let go of her hand and stood. His eyes, now shifting to burgundy, looked upon the king with a scrutinizing gaze. "I will come to collect in time, kind of Everim. Consider the deal made and your plight over." With that, he returned to his horse, which had remained standing behind him, and mounted up. He took one more glance towards Alaura, before turning about and pressing his heels to his steed, galloping off.


This is where it begins. We introduce our brave young heroin, and our mysterious druid. Is it short? It is just the intro. Though each section is short, and that is why they are 'parts' and not actual chapters. Hope you all enjoy!

And a question for the readers: Suggestions on the names of her brothers? One is already named Drewland!

Also, in unedited parts the druid's name is Xavier. Here it has been changed to Kiaran (meaning dark child). His name will eventually be changed to Kiaran in later parts.



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