The Howls Of The Night. { Werewolf/Human Love Story. } Chapter Twenty Six.

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“This plan is crazy, Alpha Dylan.”, Brock, a member of the pack that would be joining us on this crazy plan Alpha Dylan just had to think of. There were a total of six us here. “I mean that in no disrespect, but going to New York where the enemy does not sound like the brightest idea. I have a family at home.”,

“You wont die, Brock, I wont let that happen.”, Alpha Dylan said and went up to him to put his hand on his shoulder. “I have my own family, too. None of you will die, do you understand? Today is not the day and this war, will end today. We wont live scared anymore. You doing this will protect your family. Do you understand, Brock?”,

Brock stared at Alpha Dylan for a moment, then nodded, “Yeah, I understand.”,

“Good.”, he said, taking his hand off. “Here’s the plan; Clyde knows were coming, but he doesn’t know why. When we get to the entrance of New York, his wolves will lets us in, but we will not attack them and if we do, they’ll attack back without hesitation. You will just continue until we get to Clyde house and we’ll shift back, go inside and discuss  something. I might,” he cut himself off, looking angry, “I might have to give him some part of Indiana to control.”,

“What?”, filled around with some cursing and asking if he lost his mind. Travis and I looked at each other in disbelief.

Alpha Dylan growled, “I said I might, I didn’t say I will. Believe me, I don’t like the idea either, but if it comes to that, I’ll have too. It’ll be a cold day in hell if I start this whole arrange marriage bullshit.”, he said and took off his black t-shirt. “Known of ya’ll wouldn’t give up your daughters, right?”, he growled and they all nodded. “I thought so. Theirs a reason why we have mates. Now, lets get this over with so we can all go home.”,

Everyone raised they’re fist in the air and growled in cheer. I just look at the ground and sighed heavily. I can’t believe I’m in this shit.


“Leave a message after the beep.”, I heard Travis voice as the voicemail finish. I sighed and press the end button and threw my phone aside. I had this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach and it wouldn’t seem to go away.

I knew it had to do something with Shawn, I can just feel it. I turned off my laptop and laid down, feeling depressed when I don’t even know why. Sure, it looked slightly grey out and the snow was all turning a gross color, but I should be happy.

But I have this feeling like Shawn is lying to me about to me about something. He was acting so weird last night and everything I tried to talk to him, it was like he was somewhere else.

When I called his phone to see what he was doing, it just went quickly to voicemail. It was weird that his phone was off since it’s never off. He’s always has his phone. 

I tired calling Travis’s, but his phone was also off. I just tired his house, but no one answered. They’re mother was finally working since my mom quite going to diner on the weekends and Stacy took that job.

I heard my door open and I saw my mom come in with two cups. She sat down next to me and placed what smelled like hot chocolate next to me.

“Have this awful feel too?”, she asked and I nodded. I looked at her four month belly and then her neck where Dylan bite was. I got over the fact that I was going to have a little brother or sister, but it was a little hard to know he or she would be a full wolf. I felt jealous of the little baby, but knew I shouldn’t since it’s not his or her fault. Even, if I was a full wolf, I wouldn’t have Shawn.

I reached out and rubbed my mom belly, “I hope he or she comes before we leave for Argentina.”,

She chuckled, “He or she will. We’re leaving in mid July and he or she coming in early June.”,

The Howls Of The Night. { Werewolf/Human Love Story. }Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora