The Howls Of The Night. { Werewolf/Human Love Story. } Chapter Fifteen.

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I woke up to something licking my face. "What the...?", I questioned when I opened my eyes and saw Embry licking my cheek as he stood on my chest. I picked him up and laid him on my side, ready to go back to sleep...

Wait a minute! I looked at the clock next to my bed and saw it was eight in the morning! Damnit! I fell asleep. Oh, no, no, no...

I threw the blanket off me and made my way to the closet, but stop mid way when I was at my mirror and stared in horror. My eyeliner and mascara had run while I was sleeping and I had raccoon eyes!

I grabbed my make up remove and a cotton swab and cleaned up the smeared make up. I can't believe I fell a sleep last night! I thought I was going to take a thirty minute nap, but no! I fell asleep threw the whole night. Oh, Shawn is going to be so mad at me. Speaking of Shawn...

As I cleaned my right eye lids, I grabbed my phone and flipped the top of to see nine missed calls and three voice mails. As I continued to clean my eyes, I pressed one 1 and call to listen to them. After the whole reminder of what button are which, Shawn first voice mail came up, 'Hey, I'm here. Just wondering where you are and if you close. Can't wait to see you.', his second one was, 'Just thought I should let you know the movie going to start in two minutes. Call me back if your still going to be able to make it or not.', and his last, 'Okay, so it's been fifteen minutes,' this time, his voice sounded a little cold, 'I guess you decided you didn't want to come and not to tell me. You pretty much blew me off, but I get it. You don't want to be with me, so...whatever. Bye.',

My chest felt so tight and felt like they're was a pile of heavy book laying on my chest. I can't believe I slept the whole night. I was just so tried when I got back home and changed into some nice cloth, do my hair, and my make up. I thought if I took a quick nap I wouldn't be so tired at the movie and I wouldn't fall asleep. My mom and Dylan weren't home at the time since they wanted to have a 'date night'.

I knew I should have set my clock for me to wake up in thirty minutes. Why'd I have to be so lazy and not do it? Now Shawn thinks I don't want to be him which isn't true.

When I was done cleaning my eyes, I went over to my dresser and grabbed a pair of jeans and went to my closet to grab a purple Aero shirt. Once I was dressed, I grabbed my black UGGS and slipped them on.

I just threw some eyeliner on and before I left, I left my mom a note on the fridge saying I was going to Shawn house.


I knocked on Shawna and Travis's apartment door and it was a few moments before it opened. Travis stood before only in boxer briefs and a t-shirt, "Hey, Makenna...", he said slowly and a little confused.

"Shawn home?", I asked, biting on my lower lip.

"He is...",


"He's sleeping and I don't think it's a good idea to see him right now.", he told me. "He came back here last night pretty angry. He wouldn't tell me what happen, though.",

I sighed and ran my hand threw my hair, "Can I just see him, Travis?",

"I don't know--hey!", he said when I slipped passed him quickly...


I woke up when I heard my door opening and the scent of green apples filled my nose and my heart started to beat faster. My head dodged up with sleepy eyes and I turned my head around to see since I was laying on my stomach and saw Makenna at my door. Her eyes were opened when she realized I was on in boxer briefs and her light cheeks redden up.

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