The Howls Of The Night. { Werewolf/Human Love Story. } Chapter Twevle.

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"You have got to be kidding me.", I groaned and threw the remote aside. There is nothing on tv. How lame. And worst, there is nothing to do on a weekend. How lame am I? Since I had no work today, I'm stuck here...alone. This would be a good time to have a girl around, but sadly the one I want isn't even my girl.

I decided to leave on the ABC's channel and let the movie play, but I was barley paying attention to the movie Jersey Girl.

I pulled my arm behind my head and laid my head down on it as I stared bored-ly at the tv. My thoughts weren't even on the tv, but Makenna and the whole Monday thing. God, she's bin stressing over it so much and call me selfish, but I wish she wouldn't so she could spend time with me. I know, it's messed up of me, but I feel like it's more on her mind then me.


I heard a single knock at the door and I raised an eyebrow, but I smelt a wonder sent of green apples fill my nose, which I recognize so easily to belonging to one person.

Still, it made my eyebrows forward together in confused as I got up and walked over to the door.

I turned the knob of the door and opened it. Makenna stood there, looking up at me, "You would never believe what I just learned.",

I leaned against the door frame, "Did you walk here?", I asked. We bin to each house before once and her house of like fifteen minutes away, but it's seven o'clock and it's dark outside. What if some creep could have kidnapped her?

God, look at me. I get so scared of her walking around alone. I hate how protective I can be towards her.

She looked up at me confused, "I have to ask you something...and it might sound crazy.",

This time, I was the one to give her a confused look. "Okay?",

She licked her lips and quickly looked away for a few seconds before looking back at me. "Are...are you a--a werewolf?",

My face dropped as I just stared at her and I leaned up from the frame of the door. Did she just ask me what I think she asked me? Sadly, she did. How could she have wondered that? I don't act weird around her and I kept the secret very well from her. I controled my wolf side from doing anything suspicious. So, why is she asking me this? Great, Travis is going to be pissed at me later.

"W-why--why would you ask that?", I stuttered as I stuffed my hands in my pocket, afraid I'm going to blurt it out any second. I need to control the heavy feeling on me chest and I think you could easily tell I'm lying.

"Oh, God, it's true.", she said, taking a stepping back.

"Wait, Makenna!", I said, grabbing her arm before she could turn and run.

She looked up at me with a scared look, "Please, don't hurt me.", she said, trying to get out of my grip.

"I wont hurt you! I am a wolf, but I'm not dangerous.", I quickly looked her.

"Your not dangerous?", she questioned, but it was coldly. "Shawn, you killed people!", she freaked as tried again to run.

"My kind doesn't kill like in the movies! We have control ourselves and it's not like we block out.", I said. "Makenna, please, just let me explain!", I said, pulling her into my chest so she could stop.

She stopped struggling, but she was shaking in my arms, "H-how is this possible? How can you be a-a-a werewolf?", she asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know, but it run in the Native American spirits. I'll explain more inside.",

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