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I gasp out for air once I emerged from the cool water's surrounding me. The lanterns of fireflies provided me the right amounts of light to guide me back to the waters edge. Climbing onto the stone ground I toss a small bag to the ground. I shake the water out of my ears when I heard a soft footprints approaching me. It was no surprise to see my friend and servant Marco Bodt carrying a bundle of clothes in his hand.

"Enjoyed your swim your highness?" He asked handing me the clothes.

"Yes but not as much I would've liked." I sighed as I dressed.

Marco gives a sympathetic look knowing what I ment. For years I've been coming to this place where pictures and writing painted along the walls beneath the water.

"The queen has requested that you join her for dinner, my prince."Marco informed.

I inwardly groaned heading towards the palace. All around me was nothing but ruin of a once beautiful thriving city. The beauty still remained but it was only a curtain hidding the struggle my people were going through. We come to large doors being guarded by two guards. Noticing me they aloud me into the throne room.

The floors of the throne room was like a small pound with a stone path to follow. At the end of the path was a small platform where a young woman with long shoulder length raven hair and grey eyes. Beside her was her maid servant,a short blond with wide crystal blue eyes.

Marco and I bowed before her highness."Good evening my queen."

The queen rolled her eyes at my choice of greeting. She stood to stand in front of me."You needn't be so formal with me Eren. I may be queen but I am your sister."

The que-Mikasa then leads us to the dinning hall were a large stone table stood with cushions around it. We both sat at the ends of the table waiting for our food to be served.

"I undestand that you went down there again."Mikasa said with a frown.

My sister did not like the idea of me going under the water to look at "useless paintings".

"Did you find anything useful during your search?"

I tapped my finger against the table while resting my chin in the palm of the other. I shook my head."I just don't get it."

My sister gives me a questioning look.

"We no longer know much about our culture and without its knowledge we will perish."I explained.

The food was then served but I didn't stop."We need to search further out beyond the ruins its the only way!"


"There has to be more out there to at least help us."


"I'm tired of watching our people suffer for his mist-"

"Eren!" My sentence was cut short by the harshness and warning in Mikasa's voice.

The servants in the room paused only for a moment before continuing on with their duties. The atmosphere grew tense as Mikasa and I glared daggers at one another. I was not backing down for I spoke the truth. I did not care that she was the queen, I knew she wouldn't do anything drastic towards me.

"I know you only want to help our people Eren, I really do. But risking your life as well others to find something that is non-existent will not help us."Mikasa said before letting out a breath."Lets just say there is something,what would you do? No what could you do? Like you said, knowledge of our culture has been lost to us. We wouldn't understand even if you did find it."

I clutched my fists tightly sinking my nails into my palms. She had a point:what could I do? I couldn't read the writings or even figure out how to get those vedicals to start! Even so,I can't give up. I wouldn't give up and watch my people fall. Not like he did.

"Then all I can do is hope."

Silence filled the room once again while Mikasa was deep thought. After a few moments she lets out a long breath."I will give you a month to search further out but only a month. If you cannot find the answer to help our city then you must cease your search. Understood?"


¤A Month & 1/2 Later¤

I was running out of time. Days seemed to go by too quickly as I searched the ruins of our city. A few volunteers and myself had been through rubble and swam beneath the cool waters only to find nothing but darkness or fish.

I marked off the area we recently searched along with the many other crossed off area's. I was starting to lose hope but I refused to let the feeling of failure tug at me. Failure was not an option.

"My lord we are ready to head back."Marco announced as he and the group of volunteers shifted their weapons and bags ready to head home.

I nodded and lead the way through the trail of broken stone and pavement. The journey home wasn't long but to me it felt like an eternity. I didn't want to see my sister knowing she would give me a look that said "give up". I hated it. When we arrived I glanced over to the sleeping valcano that was attached to our city by an bridge. It had been years since anyone had went inside the mountain. I decided to go there later that night seeing that it may hold the key to our survival,or at least I hoped so.

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