Chapter 9

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I decided not to write for now. As much as I would like to get the stress and sadness of the Phantomhives' death out of my system, I also don't want to be getting replies from my relatives with recommendations on who to marry next, especially since all they recommend are brats or gentlemen who are way older than me. A reason why I like being betrothed to Ciel is because he's young and cute. If I won't marry Ciel, I'll probably be forced to marry a rude, disgusting brat or a man my father's age; I don't know what's worse.

There's this one boy, Edward's friend, he's sweet, kind and he's not that older than me. I'm in no place to decide because I'm just a noble's daughter, but if the time is right, I can move on from Ciel. I mean, I can't stay latched on his memory forever, right?

Wait, no! Elizabeth, what in the world are you thinking! You're sweet, cute and darling fiance and his family are dead and you're thinking about another man! How distasteful! What a disgrace! You're parents will not be proud of you!

If only it was that easy, moving on from death. It's hard to move forward without looking back. I shouldn't be thinking of anyone or anything else. I should clear my mind and focus; The Phantomhives deserve their mourning, and I shouldn't sit in my room and daydream.

I took two black ribbons and lazily replaced the blue ones on my hair. It looks messier, but I had to wear all black. It's bad enough I'm not wearing a long-sleeved mourning dress. Since I'm the niece and fiance of

I went downstairs to see everyone already covered in black. Portraits with the Phantomhives in them were already covered with black cloth. It only happened last night, and we're already trying to forget them, already mourning. There aren't any lights and it seems darker than usual. Which is weird, since most of our mornings we just depend on the windows for light. The gardener forgot to replace the roses again, and the ones on the vase are already withered from the lack of sunlight. Edward and our mother were sitting in the dining room, having tea.

"Geez, it's so dark here! Didn't anyone bother lighting a candle here?" I went to a drawer and took a box of matches. I was about to take the candelabra on top of the drawer, but Edward held my arm. "Lizzie, you don't need to." He didn't need to look at me and continued to sip his tea with one hand while gripping my arm on the other.

It didn't take me long to break down in his hold. I cried silently and fell into his arms. "It's okay Lizzie. Let's just mourn for him." He let go of his tea and cradled me with both arms. "Let's keep mourning for him. For them." He looked at mother with what he last said. Mother stood up and didn't look at us. "I'll be somewhere for a while. Tell Paula I'll be back." She left for the door and didn't look back.

"You should be like mother." Edward stood up and brushed his clothes before helping me up. "We all should be like mother." He took his teacup and took a sip. "She shows no weakness. A true Midford should be like that." He took another cup and put two sugar cubes. "It's Jasmin Dewberry." I took a sip and felt a bit more relaxed. "We're only human, Edward." He gave a sigh and placed his hand on his palm. "I know my own sister. You laugh a lot, even when you're sad and cry just as much. When you get beaten at fencing by that French boy next door, when mother scolds you for being weak, when you lose; those are just instances where you cry, but sometimes you just laugh. You're no ordinary little lady, my cute Lizzie." He gave me a pat before I silently announced my defeat.

"To make you feel better, let's visit the Phantomhives then grab a bite to eat after. We can't really eat any dessert while mourning, but it'll still be fun, nontheless." I looked at Edward and nodded.

"That's a great idea, Edward. We should still stay silent though, mourning should be silent and sorrowful." I told him as I stood up.

He got silent and stood up, "That's not what you said when Stephen died." He dusted his trousers with a cold stare.

Ah yes, Stephen Lachivosh, Edward's old friend from Weston. He wasn't really nice to me, but he was okay with everyone else; a real gentleman. Him and his family got ambushed on a visit to Germany. To be honest, his death didn't shake me, but it shook everyone else, Edward the most. The Lachivosh family was close to ours, but Edward and Stephen were the closest. When Edward was really sad, I tried very hard to make him happy. I didn't really care or value mourning that time like everyone. Everyone I love and care for were still alive. That was before.

"It's not nice to mention the dead, y'know." I grabbed his hand and we went to the cemetery in silence. We walked the whole way because we wanted to take in the sights. It was an ordinary day, but it's still gloomy.

We reached the cemetery, Royale Cemetery. It's a place where all the nobles would get buried in when they die. Just thinking of my grave in such a gloomy place is scary! The Phantomhives' graves are at another gate, like every other family here.

Edward and I made our way to the metal gates with Phantomhive engraved on it. "Are you ready, milady?" Edward asks as he opens the gates. I give him a nod and we enter as soon as one gate door gives us room in.

There it was, at the very back. Ciel Phantomhive. It was right next to Aunt Rachel and Uncle Vincent. His age, date of death and a title An innocent sweet boy who died at a very young age. There was more to him though. The description titles are just too small. "Look what they wrote on Uncle Vincent, A loyal watchdog, a good friend and brother. He served the country with honor." Edward commented as he looked at all the gravestones from left to right until finally reaching Ciel's. Aunt Rachel's is good too, A beautiful and gentle woman, a true lady. He gave me a pat on the shoulder after reading Ciel's grave title. "I know you want to cry. Let it out."

That I did. I cried a lot that day, more than I could take. Ciel, if only you could see what your dear fianće has become without you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2016 ⏰

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