Chapter siexteen~

Começar do início

"Two spoons.." He breathed in my ear before licking it, I shuddered stepping to the side covering my ear.

"W-What was-"

"Shhh.." He pressed his finger over my lips shutting it closed. He walked off after saying:
"Just put two spoons of sugar.." I gulped in fear before stretching for a table spoon, I filled it up with sugar before shaking while I was putting it back. I used the same spoon to put in afew spoons of coffee in the cup that I took out before, I poured in the milk after pouring in warm water then mixed it up, finally, I dropped in two spoons of sugar humming a small tune. I stirred the brown liquid before taking it and walking into the living room to Kid who was sitting on the sofa. I gulped placing down the coffee on the coffee table, he looked down at it before stretching to reach the cup, he sipped it and gulped it all down in one go.

"H-How was it..?"

"It was better than I thought, but not as good as you~"he teased making me shiver again.

"W-What do you mean...?" I still had the small spoon in my hand, before I knew it, he stood up and began walking towards me, I flinched as I hit the cold wall, he cornered me with a smirk. I gulped in fear as my eyes were filled in fear, I felt my hands being pinned to the wall above me with one of his hands as he looked down at me, his face was extremely close to mine.

"You're better than what I thought~" he hummed putting his knee between my legs trapping me from running anywhere.

'He's better than what Law told me~ I want him...' He thought before using his other hand, which was robotic, to brush my golden hair up to see that my eyebrows were both pointing right, he chuckled.

"You look cute like that~" he teased licking my ear.

"S-Stop.." I managed as he groped my butt.


"I said stop." I raised my voice a little, he frowned before pulling my hair. I screamed in pain as he pulled harder.

"Don't tell me what to do. Is that understood?" He smirked letting go of my hair as I nodded with tears in my eyes. Before I knew it, lips crashed into mine as they pushed themselves against my soft ones, a felt a tongue force itself through my teeth and into my mouth exploring it. As a tear slipped down my face, I was defenseless to this man.. To this stranger...

I gasped as he squeezed my ass again before using his free robotic and clod hand to trail up my black shirt onto my chest, I shivered from the cold object. I dropped the spoon before I squirmed around trying to escape his grip...


I couldn't do anything as he pulled up my shirt to my head, I can see him smirking looking down at my chest. More tears slipped down as he pushed my hand against the cold wall making marks on my wrists. His hands trailed up to my nipples. I squeezed my eyes shut as tears rolled down onto the collar of my black shirt staining it wet. I  shot my eyes open as I heard the door open revealing....


He frowned running up to Kid who pulled away letting me fall to my knees, he glared at Zoro who was glaring back pointing towards the door, he stomped out slamming the door closed, Zoro ran towards my sobbing curled up form. He looked at me with worry before pulling me into a hug, I cried in his shoulder as he patted my back, he picked my up bridal style as I still clanged onto his neck crying in his supportive shoulder. He placed me on the couch as he crouched down to my level.

"It's ok now.. I promise I won't let him get near you ever again.. Im sorry.." He whispered loud enough for me to hear him. I nodded.

"I-It's wasn't your fault.." I cried before he smiled and ruffled my hair. I smiled as he wiped away a tear using his thumb.  I rubbed my eyes before standing up to walk to the sofa, he passed me the remote control of the TV before he hopped next to me. We both decided to watch a comedy movie, during the film, I realized that he was wearing a white shirt with dark blue jeans. He didn't go to school since it was the holidays.
"Hey, moss head.." I began.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"What do you do for a living?"

"Oh, Im photographer," he smiled.

"What kind of photographs do you take?"

"Of outfits that people are wearing, like in a magazine for women, or a magazine for men."

"How much money do you get out of that?"

"About sixty whenever I go there,"

"How many times a week to you go?"

"Usually, I go three times a week."

"Oh, ok."

"You can come with me next time if you don't want Law or Luffy to take care of you."

"Really?" My eyes sparkled.

"Sure! I don't mind."

"Thank you!" I pulled him into a hug, I quickly stiffened as I realized what I just did. I quickly pulled away blushing.
"S-Sorry..." I mumbled.

"It's fine! I know you like hugs so I don't mind! I like hugs too." He reassured with a tint of blush, I wasn't able to notice.

"BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I burst out in laughter.


"D-Did you see what he did?!" I pointed to the TV as there was Mr Bean pretending to sing opera before playing dead with a boy. We both burst in laughter as we had tears of laughter in our eyes. We had a good time before going to sleep. Zoro, as usual, slept in the couch while I slept on his king sized bed. I want to let him sleep here some time, in his bed and not the couch.

Pastel Hearts~ ZosanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora