Chapter fourteen~

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A few weeks later~

Zoro got out of hospital while Sanji was still in. He was in a VERY bad state and had to remain, the doctors said he would remain for another month until they would let him go.

Zoro groaned in annoyance as he waited in the waiting room to see Sanji. It's been an hour since he arrived and yet still haven't finished with him, he began wondering what might happen if he'll never be able to get out of hospital,  he's been shot, abused for fourteen years and bullied. He cleared out his mind of the bad thoughts as a doctor entered the room.

"Hello Mr Roronoa."

"Hello, Doctor."

"You can come see Mr Vins- I mean Sanji." Zoro's eyes lit before nodding and entering the room while the doctor walked out. He looked to the side to see a curtain, he smiled softly.

Zoro's pov

I moved the curtain revealing a certain blond.. There he was, sound asleep and safe. I moved my hand to brush his hair out of his face to one side as usual. He always looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. I sighed before stroking his hair a little, I looked at his chest and neck which was covered in bandages. My eyes soften as I imagined him laughing and smiling. I haven't seen his real smile yet... Neither his laughter... But I want to hear it... I wonder how long- oh... Yes it been fourteen years since he smiled or laughed for real. But no more worries Sanji.. Because I'll protect you no matter what! I sat on the floor on my knees while I leaned against the bed holding his hand against my face. I closed my eyes feeling tired after waiting for so long and before I knew it, I fell asleep.


I woke up hearing a soft voice. My eyes shot open to see Sanji looking at me in shock, a blush spread across our faces as I stood up. I cleared my throat before smiling. He stood up.

"Hello, Sanji.."

"H-Hello, Zoro.."

"How are you feeling?"

"A little bit better but it's boring in here, I want to go.."

"The doctors said that they'll free you in a month."

"A-A month?!" I nodded.
"I don't like it in here! There's too many surgeries in me and the food is gross! Even I can make it better, a-and they always put me to sleep! I hate it in here!" He explained with teary eyes. His eyes widen as I hugged him, he hugged back with shaky hands. I guess he likes hugs.. He hasn't been hugged for fourteen years.. Neither loved, not cared for and looked at with pity.. Poor boy.. Well now he's alright I guess.. A hug can make a soul so happy. We pulled away as he looked down with tears is his eyes, I guess he really hated this place, almost as if he was scared of the doctors and nurses.

"There's no need.. Just a little longer and you'll be out, I promise to visit you everyday since I know that you hate being alone."

"R-really?" His eyes lit sparkling as I nodded with a smile on my face.

There it was.... His smile. His smile lit my heart as he closed his eyes smiling. He looked so different, this smile wasn't fake, no... Not at all! He looked like he's never been happier.

"Thank you!" He thanked smiling, before I could say another word or make a move, someone opened the door. It was the doctor.

"Mr Roronoa, your times up." I looked at Sanji smiling a he smiled back before leaning back on his bed, I waved him a good bye before exiting. I walked to my car turning it on, I climbed in the drivers seat and drove off. I drove to my house with a smile on my face.

I began humming a tune, it was one of my favorite Japanese songs. Even though I could barely understand, it had a good tune. As I was humming, my window was open, some other drivers were staring at me like 'wtf' but I just continued smiling and humming. I wasn't usually in such a good mood, but seeing Sanji smile was all I needed to make my day. His smile... I don't know why it made my heart pound so fast, but it's as if it cleared all my thoughts and just lit my heart. It was as if it was a magic spell.. I sighed as I parked my car in front of my apartment, I climbed out and locked my car before shoving my keys in my pocket, I then opened the doors and walked to find where my door was, it took a while to find it since I had no sense of direction. I looked to the side to see it, I ran towards it and unlocked it. I entered with a sigh, I looked at the sofa which had bottles of beer and other alcohol on the table near. I sighed again knowing what happened last night. I was worrying over Sanji too much and wanted to forget. The only problem for me is that it's hard for me to be drunk so I decided to stop drinking since it will just damage my bladder. I can drink at least one or two cans per day, I mean I usually drink five but that's too much. Oh well.. I need to keep healthy too if I wanna be fit and strong. Sanji told me to at least drink one or two anyway since he explained what can happen if I continue with five cans anyway. So I agreed and promised him. He sure cared for me right..? I don't know anymore... I get these feelings when I'm around him and my heart always pounds fast. It's a familiar feeling I had before a few years ago when I used to like this girl... But she rejected me and turned me down. Oh well... She was a bitch anyway.. She dated like almost everyone in the school.. Well that's until she moved away. I'm so glad she did, she became my bully when she found out that I liked her. Well... Hope she's having a bad day right now.. That one was a slut.. I rubbed my head as I began gathering the bottles up and throwing them in the bin. I tidied up the rooms and cleared the house. It was kinda hard since I had a lot on my head. School, my job and Sanji.. Gosh how much I wish I can just click my finger and he would be here completely fine and happy.

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