Chapter siexteen~

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Sanji's woke up under soft covers.

Sanji's pov

I woke up feeling something above me, it was a warm and fluffy blanket.
'I bet I fell asleep, guess that Zoro put me to sleep, nice guy.. Well... I wonder what he's doing..' I thought before throwing off the blanket and hopping out of the comfortable bed. I walked out to hear silence.

"Zoro! I'm awake!" I called out walking into the kitchen, I paused in my tracks to see a note stuck the fridge, I slowly walked towards it and grabbed it, it read.

Hello Sanji, you're probably thinking where I am, well, I have a part time job since I only live with you so yeah, I'm working so don't worry, you have food in the fridge and if anyone knocks it's just going to be Kid, he's Law's friend and he'll be staying with you to make sure you're alright, he knows about you so don't worry. I'll be back in five hours or so, maybe even earlier, so I'll see you then!



I placed down the paper and sighed. I don't know who this 'Kid' is, but I guess I can trust Law.. It won't hurt, just this once since he's a bit weird but whatever. I walked into the living room after using the bathroom, I grabbed the remote for the TV and before I can turn the machine on there was a knock on the wooden door. I shrugged guessing who it would be, I unlocked the door using the door lock and opened up to see a man with blood red hair, two scratches on his eye, one going down to his neck over his eye, wearing goggles to hold his hair back, a red leather jacket with red fluff, black jeans, a robotic arm, probably from losing it, and was SUPER tall. (In the anime Kid is 205cm meaning he's SO TALL!)
He looked down on me with piercing eyes, I shivered in slight fear.

"Hello." He greeted.

"Hello." I greeted back.

"You must be Sanji, am I right?" He guessed.

"Yes, and you are... 'Kid'.." I mentioned his name in a weird way.

"I was told I was going to be staying with you for a few hours,"

"Oh, right.. Come in." I stepped to the side allowing him to enter, he glanced at me as I closed the door and locked it from preventing any stranger entering.
"Would you like something to drink or eat?" I asked.

"You have nice manners for someone like you."

"W-What do you mean..?" I stuttered as he smirked. He sat in the living room as I followed, he let himself fall onto the couch as he sighed in relaxation.

"What I mean is..." His smirk grew wider as I shivered in fear.
"You're quite the gentlemen.." He chuckled turning on the TV while I walked into Zoro's room clearing up and making lunch after.

Four hours later~

I walked up in the living room to Kid after finishing lunch for when Zoro comes back, like hell I was feeding KID.
"C-Can I make you some coffee..?" I mentioned?

"Yes please, I would like to see how you make coffees." He huffed before I walked into the kitchen after nodding. I took out the coffee, milk and paused from taking the sugar.

"Would you like sugar? If so how many table spoons?" I called out, before anything else can happen, I felt a deep voice next to my ear. Everything went slow.

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