A supposedlly open minded world

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The general consensus is that we live in an open-minded society, well more so than the early 1900's. But in reality we live in a grey world between black and white. Many things are implied but not said or written leaving us to our ideas of to what we can and can't do.This usually causes problems with people who think that what we're doing is wrong. So maybe their should be strict rules to keep all our ideas and thoughts in line. But that wouldn't work because we all have the freedom of speech until we say we want the president to die, which is In fact a stupid thing to say because no one should wish another death but they shouldnt be fired or demoted for it because hey ever heard of freedom of speech? Yes it's the first amendment.

Like Homosexuals. Two girls can kiss and it's called 'experimenting' but when two guys kiss there automatically considered gay. A skinny boy can beat a bigger boy in a fight but if a girl wins a boy it's because he was going easy on her.

Like immigrants not immigrants sorry I meant aliens because that's what there called now not people not Hispanics or asians just Aliens foreign people who to some have no business here and are a waste of space. 

Yes the constitution gives rights to its citizen and since there immigrants they don't have those rights not even if there human beings, who for the most part do all the jobs we couldn't do and are civil to us and treat us with respect yes there's some gangsters and drug dealers and a few who can't speak English properly, but there's also a lot of US citizens who can't speak,read or write their own language correctly and they've lived here there whole lives! Now that's stupid made you should go back to Mexico if you can't even speak your home country's language correctly.

Sure they keep telling us that it's the 21st century men and women are equal, that everyone is equal and we all have the same opportunities and yes while it may be true in some cases it isn't true for middle and high school life or for its students.

My name is Samantha and my new years resloution is to break all the rules of society....and prove a whole lot of people wrong.

A supposedly open minded worldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang