
She muttered, jogging this time where she should meet the other Nobles who probably already started. She'd sure get that wedgie from her mom this time.

When she arrived inside the thick and tall walls after passing the gate, somewhat like a coliseum, she was surprised to see Autumn's back standing beside Maia. What was Autumn doing here? This isn't her training ground. Although her mom also helped train the Nobles, Maia was more focused on her real forte which was witchcraft.

"Hey," She whispered sweetly hugging Autumn from behind. The brunette was shocked but eased up when she knew it was Athan and sunk back to the embrace. She felt Athan kiss the shell of her earlobe before kissing the side of her mouth. "What are you doing here babe?" Athan asked then directed at her mom, "Hi." She greeted the older woman.

"Don't 'hi' me missy, you're late. You were supposed to be lifting bars 5 minutes ago." Her mother said sternly.

She groaned but hugged Autumn tighter who just drew circles with her finger tips on Athan's exposed arms. "My arms are still sore!" The vampire complained.

It was true, all the other vampires were forced to their limits. They were lifting weights, but no just normal ones that can be used in a normal gym nu uh. It was like the one she had back home and they made it heavier and heavier each day. As for the present, Athan was going to lift the same weight as three humongous bulldozers. Her eyes were closed but peeked and saw the other vampires were already lying on the dirt and sweating while lifting the damn equipment. They may be considered royal blood but since training they were treated like military. No special treatments, no rests until you pass out.

"Athan, go. The others are already starting and Caleb told me you're the first one to spar with his daughter today."

Athan didn't respond but groaned again, inhaling the sweet and rosy smell of her girlfriend. "Take it easy on her babe." Autumn whispered and giggled lightly, having no idea who that will be.

"Yeah, I don't think so. She's in the second generation, she'll probably kick my butt easily so I should give my best shot." Athan snickered, standing beside Autumn hand in hand.

"Isn't that the plan?" Maia chimed, "go! Start already."

A little annoyed, Athan looked at her mom and her girlfriend. "What are you two doing here anyway?"

Autumn averted her eyes from the green ones and looked at the vampires warming up. Maia answered, "The resurrection will happen tomorrow night and all the witches that will participate will rest for the whole day." Maia gave her a look that she couldn't couldn't read. It was a mix of worry and guilt.

She looked at Autumn who looked far blankly, not wearing any sort of emotions that can give away anything. Athan's stomach dropped. Her mouth opened and closed again. Autumn was going to help in resurrecting her 'ex' fiancée? What was she thinking? She didn't have to do this. Athan knew the thought of having Anne back hurt Autumn but now she decided to help? Athan was growing more confused and annoyed of not knowing her plan. When she was finally going to speak, Autumn turned her head to her with a smile, although it didn't seem genuine. She touched the vampire's arm, sending shivers up her spine. "Go, Thyone's already walking here to drag you. I'm sure you don't want her to beat you again."

"But-" Athan argued but failed.

"Go on, we'll talk later." Autumn gave a kiss on her lips, "I'll be in your room."

Athan nodded hesitantly before stepping back. She felt Thyone's hand pulling her towards the others and started calling her names but she barely heard. Her head was occupied and she caught that little bomb Autumn dropped, the brunette always claimed it as their room.

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