Star date 2403 6.287-2 Goznak Star Destroyer

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The green hulking figure of a ship came into view. Admiral Burns was positioned inside of a fast-moving transport vessel. Burns turned to the pilot of the Tram. The pilot was hunched over the controls, his eyes watching out the front windshield. Burns could see that the poor pilot was trembling in his seat. The Admiral spoke sternly, "You afraid of something sergeant?" The pilot jumped at the sound of Burns' voice, "N-N-No sir. Absolutely n-n-not sir. It's j-j-just that I've never h-h-had the honor of flying the Admiral sir." The Admiral's face hardened. "It's not me you should be nervous about soldier. The Dahklan are out there ready to destroy us." The pilot shut up. He had no comment concerning the matter. Burns remained silent for the rest of the flight. He had always hated flying. The good thing about empty space was that there was no atmosphere. The ship's turbulence had been greatly reduced with the atmosphere gone. The Admiral grimaced. At least his air sickness wasn't too bad. The transport vessel pulled up next to a gigantic star destroyer class ship. The ship was completely blue. On the underbelly of the ship, Admiral Burns could clearly read the name of the vessel, emblazoned in white letters. ", this is the mighty Goznak, hmm." The Admiral mused to himself. U.S.S. Goznak proudly bore the maroon markings of UFP on its wings. Burns quickly moved himself from the transport to the star destroyer. He hid his sickness well. None of the other crew members saluting him as he boarded Goznak suspected a thing. To them, everything was normal and running on schedule. When Admiral Burns entered the deck of the star destroyer, he was taken aback by the vastness of the ship. Unfortunately, Admiral Burns had never actually set foot inside a star destroyer before. He had heard rumors from the other captains, but he had never before seen a star destroyer in real life. He had only see them on video. He hadn't ever beheld one. The Goznak was a sleek ship for its size. The ship itself was bigger than one of the shield generators he had worked on the planet Dokta. It looked like the Goznak literally had the capabilities and the firepower to destroy planets. The Admiral stopped a passing engineering officer. "Does this ship literally have the ability to destroy a planet?" The officer, recognizing the Admiral, saluted, and then spoke. "No sir. This ship is rumored to be able to destroy another planet, but to be honest sir, there has ever been a time when a star destroyer has tried to destroy a planet. But, I assure you sir, this ship has more than enough fire-power to put a hole in that Dahklan ship." 

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