Ebony and Copper

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I don't bother calling for Copper. He isn't there anymore.

Do they have him too?

Will they take Sofia?

Why is this happening? And why am I not more concerned about myself?

The black bag is still covering my head as I am dragged and dragged, so I can't see where I am being taken to at all. I feel that we are descending into the basement, where the training area is.

I don't go quietly. I kick someone hard in the leg and headbutt another, twisting and straining in their grasp.

My outbursts earn me a clock upside the head from whoever, and I taste my own blood running from my nose.

"What's going on? Why are you doing this?" I demand repeatedly until my throat is hoarse.

I hear the same screams coming from my teammates, but still with no reply.

I am dragged some more, lifted up roughly and shoved down into a hard chair, strong hands restraining me as I feel the chaving burn of rope tighten around my arms and legs.

I writhe in my restraints, howeling in anger, so much so that the chair tips sideways and I smack my already swollen cheek off the concrete floor.

I am whipped back upright and the black bag is snatched off my head finally. I squint against the bright chain light overhead, but there's no mistaking who is all in the room.

Silver with eyes full of ice, Rouge with his cane, Indigo looking awkward, and Stop Watch from when I first came to this building, playing with the object in his hand.

"What the fuck is this?" I snarl through the blood in my mouth.

"Tell us everything, and maybe you'll live," Silver says emotionlessly.

"Tell you what?!"

"You know what we mean, girl," Rouge says in his gravelly voice, eyes peering down at me expectantly.

"You all need to explain this shit!" Al yells from beside me, tied up in his own chair.

Fuisha, Violet, and Beige are in the same predicament.

"Shortly after arriving here, Micheal Benson escaped, and he didn't leave empty handed. He took with him our weapons and half our technology." Silver's brow furrows deeper and deeper as he says this. "Valuable items that are imperative to S.H.A.D.E."

"And what do you think we have to do with it? We were the ones who captured him for you!" Fuisha snaps up at him, struggling against her restraints.

" Exactly. It would have been someone that knew S.H.A.D.E planned on capturing Benson, and I only debriefed the five of you on that plan before you entered the Kenway Hotel." Silver's eyes are trained on me. "Which means that one of you are a Necro Proxy agent."

My Swatch and I all trade looks of disbelief.

"That's ridiculous," Beige says, "We've served you for years. You picked us out!"

Rouge raises one finger, " Yes, four of you have served us for years. Ebony, here, has not."

My heart sinks in my chest. "What?"

"Yes, the newest addition, the most resistant of the group," Silver says.

" But you chose me too!" I protest. "I finally agree to serve you, and now this? Why bother ruining my life if you are just going to kill me?"

Stop Watch moves forward, swinging the the silver pocket watch on its chain. "I was the one who picked her out, and I warned you that she was not an ordinary girl."

S.H.A.D.E. [{ Completed }]✔ (#Wattys2018)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ