Second Meeting

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                                                                     Ruby Rose X Faunus Reader                                                                         You were sitting next to your sister listening to music you two where in the bal...

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                                                                     Ruby Rose X Faunus Reader                                                                         You were sitting next to your sister listening to music you two where in the ballroom with every one else sleeping bags next to you.When you saw Ruby and some blonde girl "Hey Ruby!"You called.She turned her head to you smiled and waved this caught blondes eyes because she stood up and started to walked up to you and (S/N) "Hi! you must be (Y/N)!Ruby told me many things about you!"she said "I'm her older sister Yang!"she finished.You chuckled "Well it's very nice to meet you Yang"You said (S/N) cleared her throat before she elbowed you. "Oh!And this is my older sister (S/N)!"you said.Yang laughed.Just then Ruby came running to you guys "Yang!"She yelled "(Y/N) i'm sorry that Yang was bothering you!"She said."Nah it's fine she wasn't bothering us"(S/N) said you nodded. "It's getting late we should be getting to bed"You said "Yeah I gess your right"Yang said.You looked at Ruby "It was very nice to see you again Ruby"You said as you yawned "Bye girls!"Yang said as she dragged Ruby "Bye (Y/N)!"ruby yelled "Bye Ruby!"You said before you slid in your sleeping bag and fell asleep.

                                                                                  Weiss Shnee                                                                                           "Ms.(L/N)"Winter said you sighed "Yes Winter?"You said."Your father want's to see you"she said "Tell him i'll be there in a minute"you said."Very well"she said and left.It'd been a week ever scense you meet Weiss and Winter was now your protector.You were still madder then hell at your father but you still loved him.You two haven't talked ever scense that day.You sighed and started to make your way to your fathers office.You opened the door and what you saw shocked you."Weiss?"you said."Greetings Ms.(Y/N)"Weiss said "Just call me (Y/N)"You said to Weiss.You gave your father a glare "What is it"You growled at him."Weiss is going to be staying with us for a while"he said "And you to will be sharing a room for the time being"He finished."Very well Weiss follow me"You said "(Y/N) i'm sorry"Weiss said as you to walked to your room.You laughed "I'm not mad at you"You said "If anything i'm happy that i'll get to talk to someone"You finished."Then what was that about?"She asked "Me and my father just don't get along to well"You said.Well here we are you said as you stopped outside your door.You opened the door "Make your self at home"

                                                                              Yang Xiao Long                                                                                          You were going to go check on Blake.She wasn't very good with new people, and to meet her team of course!You looked down at the paper you got then back at the dorm room."Yep the same number"You said quietly.You knocked on the door "Coming!" you heard a voice say.The door started to open "(Y/N)?" "Yang?"."You two know each other?"you heard Blake say "Yeah she the one that helped me find you"You said looking at Blake as she sat on a bed with a book in her hands"You said "So.. (Y/N) what you doing here?"Yang asked "I just came to check on Blake she not the best with new people"You said with a chuckle getting a glare from Blake.Yang laughed "Yeah no kidding shes been ignoring us no madder what we did"Yang said."Blake be good kitt-"before you could finish a book came your way.You catch the book and looked at Blake who was glaring at you.You laughed "Well I'm pretty sure alright if she does anything just come and get me"You said.Yang chuckled "Will do your welcome here anytime"She said "Hey! isn't that my option as leader!"A girl with black hair with a bit of red.Yang completely ignored her "Sure thing! and Blake think fast!"You said as you threw her book back at her.The book hit her in the side you and Yang laughed Blake once again glared at the two of you."See you guys later!"You yelled as you started walking back to dorm."Later (Y/N)!"Yang yelled as she shut her dorm door.I'll be visiting there dorm a lot the thought as you walked back to your dorm.

                                                                                 Blake Belladonna                                                                                Cinder had sent you on a mission to kill a white fang member that ran.Your father had some other mission so of course you had to.It was late you were tired none the less you were walking to this runaways hide out that Cinder told you when you saw a Blake bow.You chuckled knowing it was Blake.You and her had been talking over text and phone nobody knew about your contact with her.You knew by secretly listening to some white fang members that she was once in the white fang."Hey Blake"You said as you walked over to her "(Y/N)? what are you doing out this late?"She asked "Just had to take care of some things for a friend like getting food."You said "Plus I could ask you the same thing"You said "Just out for a late night look walk"She said."Well I should go my friend is going to kill me if I don't get food"You said with a laugh "I'll call you later okay?"You said.She nodded "Bye Blake"You said as you walked you might get this job done just a bit faster so you can call Blake. 

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