Part 1

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It was a cold and snowy December day.I didn't sleep well tonight because today was the Election day and i was one of the candidates.I have all the chances of winning,but do i want to win?Will people like me?Will i be able to rule this world?I was so excited about being a candidate month ago,but now i am so anxious.

   I looked out of window and all i saw was magnificent view of Sacly.Our world was the most beautiful one i have ever known and i did not want to ruin it.As i turned around i saw an old book of  Liam Wilson,the creator of Sacly.Even though he had lived 300 years ago his legacy is still growing.

   He was born on Earth country named Azerbaijan.He was from a middle-class family,but he dreamed bigger.I remember how my mom always used to tell me heroic acts of Liam.

   After eating my breakfast i headed downstairs to rehearse my speech and wear my suit.

   As soon as clocks hit 12 am Jonah came to notify me about limousine's arrival.I got into car with my bodyguards.It was a five minutes road to place where Election will be held.

   I got out of car and i saw people of all ages screaming.I faked a smile and waved at them.

   I got into building and one of the workers showed me the way to the waiting room.This building was nicely designed.Interior of the building was breathtaking.This was the most expensive and beautiful building in the whole Sacly.Doors of the room were made of gold and they were brobdingnagian.In the room i saw all my opponents they were sitting on a simple chairs made of aluminum.I sat beside Ronald Drumpf.The most hated candidate in the whole history of this world.

    This room was huge,but empty.It had nothing but chairs and a clock.President should have been announced  at 2 so there is still more than an hour to wait.

  I started looking around expecting something interesting and on the ceiling i saw this painting of Liam Wilson.He was surrounded by 12 Ders.Ders were the people that helped Liam to build this world.They were called Fathers of Sacly.Liam and Ders were on the round cloud,Liam was in the middle,above him were Braylon and Xavier.They were holding an upside down sign.I could barely read.But it said something in lines of 'One in many'.

  There also were pictures of each Ders on the walls.But the most interesting one was picture of Adam Weishaupt.He was standing on a black and white checkered floor which represents the duality between good and evil.There were pedestals on his right and left.Above him was a sign that said 'Freemason'.This word was usually used in old history books and even in this room.I had no idea what it meant.

   In the middle of the room was a statue of Liam Wilson sitting on a chair without a top and with a sheath on his left hand and a toga on his legs.His right hand was pointing up,while left was holding his sheath.

   Thirty more minutes to wait.I tried of thinking about various things.Even though i was a history teacher before,there was a little information about this building.Only presidents,their workers and candidates are allowed in this building.But one thing i knew for sure.This building is more mysterious than i can imagine.Name of the architect was Bran.He was very famous builder and he was fond of random hidden doors,but in 300 years few of them were found.I drift in thoughts and didn't notice how 30 minutes passed.The worker came to show us the way.

    We followed him to outside.There were 8 chairs for each candidate.I sat on chair with my name on it and when i looked forward i saw vast amount of people waiting for their next president.Then Parsley Hub came out.Family of Hub were announcing presidents for 300 years,but Parsley was young and it was his first time.

    - Good afternoon ladies and gentleman!Today just like every 12 years since creation of our Sacly we are announcing our new president,that is going to rule our world for next 12 years.Just like 25 presidents before our new president is going to have authority over politics,budget,army.Also he will be given 'Book of Presidents'.

    I got chills when i heard name of the book.I knew about existence,but i have completely forgot about it.This is book that only 37 people have ever read.It has all conspiracy theories,all facts about Sacly and even advises from Ders.

    -Time to announce the president-he said as he was given evelope-Ladies and gentlemen,with 9000 votes next president of Sacly is going to be...

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