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In 1947, Ken Arnold, a pilot, saw something very strange. While flying, he looked out of the window and saw nine saucer-like objects flying past, in line. Each ‘saucer’, a hundered feet wide, was travelling at a great speed - around 1200 miles per hour. What were these objects?

After he landed, Arnold reported what he had seen. Scientists seemed to have no answer. So objects came to be known as "UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS" or UFO.

Since 1947, more than 60,000 UFO's have been reported. The US Air force checked out the reports of 11,109 UFO sightings and found that 94% of these reports were 'misidentifications'. That is, people mistook stars, flight of geese, comets, meteors, sunlight on cloulds, weather follows, satellite and other such objects for a UFO.

But there are reason to believe that UFO's have been actually sighted. One astronomer saw a UFOin broad daylight while travelling by train. The UFO was flying parallel to the train. He could see it for four or five minutes, before it rose out of sight and disappeared.

While most sights described as UFOs turn out misidentified known natural and artificial phenomena, many hundreds do not. It is these that form the core of theof the UFO mystery. That UFOs constitute a distinct category of describable sights is based on hundered of highly detailed and consistent descriptions by professionals (especially airline and miliatry pilots) of their close-up, broad daylight observations of unique flying machines.

Careful review of the vast array of relevant evidence clearly leads to the conclusion that some unidentified flying objects are intelligently controlled vechiles whose origin seem to be based upon false reasoning, misrepresentation of evidence, neglect of relevant information, ignorance of relevant technology, or pseudo sophisticated assumptions about alien appearence, motivation, or government secrecy.

While Kenneth Arnold may indeed have become the first famous witness of UFOs over America after the end of the Second World War, we may never really able to answer the question o whether or not those UFOs were really "flying saucers" at all, or some other exotic lookin craft that no less firmly placed the idea of unearthly saucers in the public consciousness.


The End

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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