Chapter 12:10 Seconds

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*insert playlist here*

Vicky's POV

He was guilty.

I couldn't believe my eyes. He almost fooled me once again. What an incredible act he was portraying. I'd give him a round of applause for that. What the heck was that guy doing here? I thought he didn't like public areas?

I ignored his gaze. I only focused on my date Alec and walked faster to the booth.

"Woah slow down a bit Vick for a girl you sure have a strong grip" Alec said.

I suddenly released his arm from my death grip.

"I'm sorry" I apologized. His arm was a bit red from my grip.

"It's okay, nothing much" Alec said smiling.

"Are you sure?" I asked full of concern.

"Now that you asked I think it's starting to bruise" he said looking his arm.

"Oh gosh! What should I do?" I asked holding his arm looking if it is starting to bruise.

"I only need one thing" Alec said.

"What?" He held my chin up making me look at him and his blue eyes directly above mine.

"A kiss" he said. I blushed hard and slap his arm softly.

"You weirdo" I said nervously laughing while avoiding his gaze.

"Hey! Meanie" he said scrunching up his nose.

I only stuck my tongue out at him hoping he wouldn't recognise my flushed cheeks.

Stupid rosy cheeks.

"C'mon lets go" he said pulling my arm after he was done laughing.

We both headed in front of the ticket booth and bought two tickets. I insisted that I should pay for my half but he was at it again with his ego that is as big as Jupiter so I just let him pay for it.

"This is gonna be fun" I said rather excited about the movie.

"For a 17 year old girl you sure love movies especially a Disney one" Alec said shaking his head while smiling.

"Are you even kidding me? This movie is gonna be the bomb! I just watched the trailer and it was awesome!" I said raising my arms.

"Is it really about the watching the movie or you're watching it with moi" he asked teasingly.

"Of course it's about watching the movie." I said making the butterflies flutter softly in my tummy. Again.

"What? Why?" he asked curious.

"Duh Nicholas Wilde?" I said raising the stuffy or Little Alec in front of him.

"The fox?" he asked pointing at my fox "Little Alec".

"Yup" I nodded my head smiling.

"What about the fox?"he asked leaning on the rail.

"How dare you call him just a fox! He is Nicholas Wilde! Aka Nick! The most sexy fox in the world plus his voice is just so suave" I said daydreaming about Nicholas.

"This girl just lost her marbles. Falling for a character in a movie plus it's a fox!" Alec muttered at himself.

"Can't argue with that" I said when I saw the snack bar.

"Oohhh" I walked towards the stand looking at the different varieties of snacks. There were fries,churros,popcorn,pretzels and waffles!

"Do you want anything Vick?" Alec asked behind me.

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