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I sat in a cell trying to wrap my head around what just happened.

"What the fuck am I gonna do man?" I mumbled to myself pacing around the cell "August dumb ass blinded by some fishy female, that rectangle head ass Bitch lied on me, M knows what happened. Gah' dayum'. I need my lawyer my phone or something."

"Hey you." I turn my head to see a black police officer standing on the other side of he bars "You get to make your phone call."

He unlocks the door and I start to dial Mia's number when I see the door burts open and her walk in. "Mia?!"

She looks around until her eyes connect with mine "Chris?!"

She tries to walk toward me but a demale cop stopss her.

"Sir please make your phone call." The officer says

I groan and dial the number to my lawyer.


I spoke to a officer trying to get Chris out but nothing was working. They said Chris could go to court tomorrow and hopefully then if he wasn't convicted his bail amount would be posted.

"Do you mind if I speak with him for a second."

The cop was doing her best to give me answers and I appreciated it.

She nodded and lead me to Chris's cell.

He approached me and gripped the bars.
"Chris," the obstacles of life where starting slap me in my face I wasn't where I was suppose to be in life. I looked down that was the only place I could look.
"I'm sorry this happened to you I trully am. I will gladly pay for your bail as soon as they post it-."

"I will pay you back every last penny. Alright."

I shake my head "Chris I have to go."

"Okay you don't have to stay here over night or nothing. I understand."

"But you don't. I have to go. Not just from the jail. From this all I have to go."

"Mia what are you even talking about right now?"

I played with my ring.

"Chris I need to leave away from this. I'm sorry. My life has gone downhill ever since I thought I was okay and ready to be in a relationship. I've fucked everything up. I fucked up everyone's life including my own."

"No. No. Look at me."

I shut my eyes tight trying to hold the tears back.

" Mia. Look at me."

I looked up

"This isn't your fault. I promise you-"

"But it is. This mess with August and Corie and the baby. I should just get away for awhile."

"No." I stare and the hardness within his features, he looked concerned

"I want you to understand. That I've disappointed myself, Desmond, and my mom. I should be dancing not being caught up in baby mama drama. And it's my fault I'm not focused on my goal or doing what I love. I can't do it anymore Chris and put off all my friends I'm hoping you can understand." I stared into his eyes past the bars they where glossy like he wanted to cry too

"I do. But I don't want you to go. No one does."

"I have to be selfish right now and do what's best for myself get myself back together. Before I can try to reopen that closed wound. I'll be back. I promise." We locked pinkies like little kids "I'm giving Genesis your bail money. I love you."

"I love you too." He mumbled

I make my way out the police station and to Chris' apartment. I was for real about leaving. I needed time to my self time to think. I would come back in time for Gen's wedding. Which was in 4 months. That I wouldn't miss for the world. I was going to write a letter a face to face goodbye would be to hard.

I made my way upstairs packing up everything that was mine and some of Chris's clothes he let me wear frequently as something to remember him by. I cleaned up the room he let me sleep in and brought my bags out to the car.

I wrote the letter here and sealed it up in an envelope I closed after putting money I'm for Chris's bail. I wrote Corie a letter too He needed some clout. I even wrote August one then dropped each letter off and headed to the airport.


"I need a ticket."

"For where?"

"Anywhere. I want to go now."

"We have a flight to New York boarding in thirty minutes."

I nodded New York here I come.



I whistle making my way to the mall box after parking. I stood there looking through the white envelopes.

"Bullshit, bullshit, Mia?" I tossed the junk mail into the trash and open the think letter signed by Mia

Dear Genesis,

I decided to leave. I don't know to where but to go. All I've ever wanted to do in life is dance and with there being so many distractions. I've obviously failed at successfully balancing everything. I tossing my old phone but once I get a new one I'll text you. I won't be gone forever. I will be back the day before you wedding I just need time to think and try to fix what needs to be fixed. I would've asked you to go but you're so happy with Trey. Best wishes to you both. I love you.


I dialed Augusts number.

I understand this might not have been the update you all wanted but this book has gotten messy so I'm going to do my best to try and fix it instead of completely deleting it. I've come to far.

Thanks for the mad support. Update soon I promise.

And just to help let me know what you want to see in this book. Like how you want it to end or whatever whatever.

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