When Losing Someone Only Makes You Want To Scream

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The little boy was fine, he seemed to like me. It was Alaya and Jaydn who hated me.

But anyways, Zander passed out as we were waiting, Jaydn was also sleeping. Leaving the oldest, Alaya, and myself awake. The only ones in the room that was awake.

And I decide to bring it up because she'd just look at me in almost disgust. It was obvious she didn't like me.

"If you're trying to act subtle about the fact that you hate me, you're not doing a very job at it."

"You're not my brother," she clarified," okay, you will never be my brother."

That made more sense.

"Oh!" I came to conclude," so you're upset that your dad married somebody who already had a kid? Well I'm sorry that they're happy together, the only say I had in any of it was giving him my blessing."

"The dad is supposed to give the blessing, dipshit, not the kid."

"That'd be tough," I told her," considering he's sort of dead. I don't care if you hate me. I'm not leaving."

"And why can't you just go to your dad's?"

"He never cared about me and I hate him, I'm not living with him as long as I have say."

"What did he ever do to you?"

"That's an answer better left alone."

"You look tired," she changed the topic.

"What about it?"

"You should sleep," she suggested," if anything happens I'll wake you guys up, I did sleep the whole plane ride here plus the drive from Jersey to here. I'm well rested. And the last 4 hours I just slept. "

I shake my head.

"I wouldn't be able to anyways," I turned down the offer," I'd wake up the whole hospital and I'd rather not do that."

That managed to cover her face in confusion.

"I get nightmares and that whole ordeal," I explained, " trauma, whatever you want to call it. I get nightmares a lot and most of them I wake up screaming and I'm not doing that at a hospital."

She didn't question it and just went on her phone as I sat there and just thought. Something I haven't done in a while.

Suddenly my phone starts ringing at 4 in the morning.

Nico Di Angelo.

"Nico," I said as I answer the phone, stepping outside as it was somehow silent, " its 4 in the morning, why on earth are you up and calling me?"

"You answered," his voice was weak and frail. Which sort of scared me.

"Yeah. My mom's in labor so I've been up," I explained, " what happened? You sound horrible."

"Oh. Trust me, I look worse."

"Like I said, what happened?"

I'm surprised he didn't go to Jason. He's been seeming to find comfort in Jason lately. As a friend, of course. But still.

"I, uh..." The son of Hades told me," you know, I'm not entirely sure about that. I tried waking up Jason but that was impossible."

Nevermind, I spoke too soon.

"Nico, how quickly could you manage getting to my house."

"I'm kind of sitting under your fire escape," Nico answered," I wasn't going to go in like a creep, especially if you were sleeping."

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